Hello From Geek Green

Geek Green

Hello, I am Geek Green long time reader not so longtime member.I hate to be rude or forward in any way for this is my introduction, but myneeds do press me. So I would like to ask some of the better growers in thehouse for help. I ask some of you elder growers to remember when you were onyour first real grow attempt, When you had the gear but not the knowledge and Iask that you would help me on this my first Grow, We will laugh together andmaybe even cry together growing ourselves even as the plants grow, And in turnwhen the time comes know that I will also pass your help others. Thank you inadvance, Geek Green


Active Member
Welcome. Anything confusing you and the people on here will be happy to answer. Good luck with your future grows. :peace:

Geek Green

I am deeply sorry and do repent my words Kind Lady (no punintended), tho I meant them only as a figure of speech, and not to give offence.

Geek Green

Thank you millie for your support and willingness to helpout the poor new guy, I have posted the same info on my sick babies in severalspots on this website. Feel free to takea look and post your thoughts. And thanks aging.