Hello from Germany!


Active Member

I'm johannes from germany, and I'm 18 years old.
Yeah, I found this website alot on google after searching days and days for something! - so I decided to register here today ;p
I got a homebox XL with equipment which I can't use because of my parents :/
I bought white widow, euforia and blue berry seeds last year at dutch passion.
Well, I started to grow a little White Widow plant this year, it's very small, can't use the homebox XL so it's on my terrace.
My little baby is starting to grow more and more, but I'm not plently sure that I'll have buds in about 2 months because my mother is very like uh uh, she already said she gonna cut them :p.
I've to state that I'm a really noob in growing, but I know the basics, also got a book :)
I might travel to argentinia this year, dunno yet, but I'm doing it to 70% because I don't like it here that much. That's the end of my little storry.. :p
*hopes to found a friendly peacefull place here*

iD :)