Hello from South Texas

Welcome! Lots to learn here, there are some great growers who are open and very helpful around. If it has been a while, do as much research as possible before buying your big ticket items, especially your light, nutrient line, etc. You can ask here if you want to be sure you're getting the right thing. Good luck!
Welcome! Lots to learn here, there are some great growers who are open and very helpful around. If it has been a while, do as much research as possible before buying your big ticket items, especially your light, nutrient line, etc. You can ask here if you want to be sure you're getting the right thing. Good luck!

Thank you
Yep, I do have a tent already, a set of lamps, and got some nutes. Had to get a bottle of 0H down, for my hard as rock well water. Getting a handle on two ladies of LemonGrass.
It's a journey right?
Thank you
Yep, I do have a tent already, a set of lamps, and got some nutes. Had to get a bottle of 0H down, for my hard as rock well water. Getting a handle on two ladies of LemonGrass.
It's a journey right?

it is....sometimes a great one......and sometimes a not so great one.........it's a fun to learn though
Hey, need some help. Other than online. Where can I get some supplies here in the coastal bend area?
I need soil?
I would go to your local nursery unless u want miracle grow from Lowe’s or Home Depot. Mine orders coast of Maine for me in bulk for discounted pricing