Hello from the frozen north

Veek da Freak

Well-Known Member
I'm not new to any of this, but I am new to this site. I just thought I'd see if Cannabis sites have evolved into a better place than they were in the early 2k's. I was once in the online community known as Cannabis World. At least until it was shut down. I have joined RIU to learn, and to offer my knowledge of growing Cannabis. I'm a father, son, husband, and a Cannabis grower. I've grown outside since the summer of 1976, and almost strictly indoors under HID lamps since 1987. I am in a medical state, and I hold a medical card with caregiver privileges. I'm an outdoorsman. I love to hunt & fish. So I just wanted to say Hi to everyone on RIU. I hope to get to know you all in the future. :)

Veek da Freak


Well-Known Member
I'm not new to any of this, but I am new to this site. I just thought I'd see if Cannabis sites have evolved into a better place than they were in the early 2k's. I was once in the online community known as Cannabis World. At least until it was shut down. I have joined RIU to learn, and to offer my knowledge of growing Cannabis. I'm a father, son, husband, and a Cannabis grower. I've grown outside since the summer of 1976, and almost strictly indoors under HID lamps since 1987. I am in a medical state, and I hold a medical card with caregiver privileges. I'm an outdoorsman. I love to hunt & fish. So I just wanted to say Hi to everyone on RIU. I hope to get to know you all in the future. :)

Veek da Freak
Hey man! I've not been at it as long as you and have not been on this site as long as some but welcome.
I too am a father, son and partner to my beautiful Thai 'wife'. I'm a grower too, almost exclusively indoors as I live in England and our laws are not so enlightened.
I for one, welcome your knowledge and experience as well as extend u a sincere smile.
See you out there......



Well-Known Member
Hi VdF nice to meet you.
I can't say what forums were like then, wasn't my thing but RIU is fantastic and I hope
to see more posts from you, I'm always open to sharing ideas.
I too am a medical patient, Not a mother though, unless you count my 2 cats. I am also a provider to my significant other.
I've been a member of various forums over the last few years and made a few nice friends, but RIU is home.
I miss the treatingyourself forums, that was my first place where I met like minded people and even got my first seeds from
a breeder in the UK, but I got really sick and didn't post for about a year
and when I went back it had all changed and I had lost my ID and posts, it just wasn't the same.
So I found a new home and I must say I'm happy to be here.:bigjoint::leaf:
Hopefully you will find it to be as enjoyable and stick around too. :peace: