Hello, New Friends! Acid, anyone?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU.org and yes stagnant water raises the Ph, often to unacceptable limits, use those water crystals you get in grow shops to save time, even better make time to spend with your grow, you will wish you had in the long run ,, but I should advise you that the fabulous "Like" button, is broken, instead buried below is the equivalent, reputation button that works almost the same., so if you see or read something you like, well! you can't like until it's fixed but you can click the Rep button to show your appreciation.

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New Member
Hey vostok! Thanks for the hit back!

I keep air stones in the barrels 24/7, so they aren't stagnent.
By water crystals do you mean sylica beads?
I don't need to make time to spend with my plants. I am with my plants 24/7 and have to make time for everything else.

Thanks for the info about the like button. I'll keep it in mind.


Well-Known Member
In many garden stores they sell silica type crystal's soak in a jug till they are like jello then to the potting mix, as a long term water replacement, great for desert use