Hello New to the forum. HELP!


Active Member
Hi guys. Just introducing myself to the forums. New Grower-to-be.

So I just moved to my new place and found out there was something growing in my front yard. There's a tiny plant I recognized right away for it's smell and leaf shape. It's was so small and had been going thru alot of rough times from what I can tell. I took care of it for the past 3 weeks. I tought it was going to die or be a male or a hermie because of the stress the plant showed. To my surprise, last week I notice that it was a female plant and it was starting it's flowering stages due to our change of season. I was going to transfer it to a pot of dirt because it's been rainy outside, but I was too afraid it may disrupt the flowering cycle it's going thru. She's so tiny.. about 5inches total, single stem no branches. She's looking so sexy thou, getting nice and fatty with flowers.

My questions are,

Should I digg it out and put it on a pot and finish it off with a small cfl 12/12 setup somewhere inside my closet? If so how much light would I need? I've read about walmart shoppers (HELP)

Would this trasnfer stress her and disrupt her cycle?

Should I wait for the flowering to finish outside (I cover it with a drawer during the rain at night) and than dig it out and revert it to Veging stage to make clones?

I'll try to snap some pictures for you folks to see the damage it's gotten and the miniature size of her. I honestly didn't think she was going to make it this far. I was so surprised when I saw her start her flowering cycle, i'm in love!:hump:

Any advice is well apreciated. Remember according to what I've seen I'd say she's about 2 1/2 weeks into flowering.

On another note, it's nice to see a comunity like this one. I miss Overgrow, it took me a while to find a good board like this one. I haven't grown anything for yrs now. My last grow were bagseeds and they all turned out males (6). :cry:. Now that God has put this female on my path I really want to take care of her. She smells soooooo gooooooood!:blsmoke:

Alritey, Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. YOur plant is 5" tall and flowering?? Wow man, got any pictures. We like pictures. A picture is like a thousand words, know what i mean. I think that would take the record, shortest flowering plant ever. VV
PS did I mention we like pictures.


welcome to the forum. YOur plant is 5" tall and flowering?? Wow man, got any pictures. We like pictures. A picture is like a thousand words, know what i mean. I think that would take the record, shortest flowering plant ever. VV
PS did I mention we like pictures.
yes! take pics. i also have a @5 incher flowering, but it is HIDEOUS. it was planted in an old pot (too small) and horrible, compacted soil. left it alone totaly, and just noticed last week that it is a flowering fem! should be interesting to see what happens with both our plants, but from the sounds of it yours will be alot better im sure. good luck