Hello to everybody!

Hello to everybody! I'm pretty new to the loveliest drug in the world, namely pot. I have been recreationally using opiates and other herbs for quite a while though. I joined this forum in order to find out more about my new drug of choice. I'm mostly interested in making edibles, instead of smoking (long story short, I'm not very fond of the act of smoking itself and, moreover, I've already been caught smoking in my parents' house and I am to stay away from this for a while).


Well-Known Member
some great advice on this site , cooking with mj butter is wild. the only trouble with edibles is they are always yummy and the hit tends to creep up on ya , can catch you out , is it the tabaco that bothers you with joints , consider buying a vapouriser :)
Thanks for welcoming me!

Yeah, it's the tobacco that bothers me in joints (I do fear for my long-term lung health). I also find it uncomfortable to smoke: I have a kind of a chronic cough, mostly in the mornings, and inhaling any kind of smoke greatly exacerbates it. A vaporizer is great advice, I will think about it, but I'll have to wait a bit until buying one (so as the people in my family get more accustomed to my recreational use - if this hopefully ever happens at all...).

P.S. You have a great signature, me loves it :)


Well-Known Member
Good thing about my vaporiser is that is does not give off much smell , joints are so stinky and cooking is not much better , with a vap, staying covert would still be a possibility .....
I will look into it and check to see if the laws from my country (Romania) allow owning cannabis-related paraphernalia (I think they do, as there are a few websites selling bongs and pipes out here), then I'll get one myself. I think it'd suit my tastes very well... Thanks a lot for the advice.