hELLO, would love some advice picts included.


Active Member
:neutral: OK i started a small legal grow as follows; 1000 wt hps(4 1/2 ft. from plants) a/c unit good air circulation in/out temps 74/82f humidity teetering between dry/normal,seedlings are now 11 days from seed soil is ffof, added 1/2 cup dry happy frog npk 5-8-4. to each lg. bag of the ocean forest initial medium (per a schedule i found on here for semi organic) watering as follows 6.5-ish pH every 3 days little better than a ltr. per 5 gallon air pots, following the schedule i fertilized at day 9 1 table spoon per gallon,(bubbled 4 hours) w/ the happy frog 5-8-4 p.s this yellowing a cured around day 5 pryer to fert,and is my concern Ive been looking at a lot of threads on here my uneducated guess is over watering any advice would be great oh and the strains are pic1 sweet tooth auto (Barny f,) pict2 auto diamos (Buddha) ;-)100_0496.jpg100_0497.jpg100_0498.jpg


Well-Known Member
prob the start of nute burn did you start the seed in that soil its a lil strong for plants that small i strated some in happy frog and it burned the shit out of them there happy and healthy now


Well-Known Member
Too early to fertilize. They already have to deal with the nutrient charge in your soil mixture which is probably slowing their growth. Also, one litre per plant every three days? Do they look like they could drink that much? Did you plant them in the 5 gal. pots already? You get faster growth from seedlings and better control over their watering if you start in a small container and repot when they get some roots and a few sets of leaves.

Oh yeah, get a camera that can focus on your subject. ;)


Well-Known Member
Too early to fertilize. They already have to deal with the nutrient charge in your soil mixture which is probably slowing their growth. Also, one litre per plant every three days? Do they look like they could drink that much? Did you plant them in the 5 gal. pots already? You get faster growth from seedlings and better control over their watering if you start in a small container and repot when they get some roots and a few sets of leaves.

Oh yeah, get a camera that can focus on your subject. ;)
there autos thats why he started in a big pot


Active Member
thanks for the advice, i realize its a lot of water its those damn big pots, in the future i plan to start in smaller ones thanks,p.s camera is next on the list and i agree.


Well-Known Member
Maybe your camera has a Macro switch or button? Macro is for close ups. I started an auto in a 5 gallon bucket once. I watered about 1 cup of water right at the base of the plant upping it as the plant got bigger.
Good luck on your plants


Active Member
Hey thanks for your advice man I appreciate it I'm going to slow way down on the water intake and I'm going to see how these 5 gallon buckets go.


Well-Known Member
there autos thats why he started in a big pot
Ah. I have never grown autos. That makes sense though. Isn't five gallons kind of large for such a plant though? How much root mass can an auto generate before its life cycle is done?


Well-Known Member
DSCF3229.jpgDSCF3231.jpg this is the auto I grew. the bucket was pretty full of roots lol. 3 of the freebies I have coming are autos.I'll start them in 4 inch pots for a week or 2 then transplant them into the big buckets. I have heard they grow bigger if the tap root has room to grow.