I am just posting a HIGH bongsmilie HELLO to you all.
I am a newbie here, and to medical growing. I have tried indoor growing a few times with 2 or 3 plants with a little success. For self use only. Airy lite buds under 1 - 250w HPS. They dried too fast and had too much green taste, but they worked and it was almost free. Anyway, my friend moved to Arizona and he is getting his Med Marj. card Feb. 12, 2013. He has asked me to help him setup a grow room in a 10 foot by 12 foot room with a height of 12 foot. He has a limit of 12 plants he can grow in Arizona. I have talked him out of growing his plants 6 foot tall (he wants a half pound per plant). I told him he will spend at least 6 months growing them that big. That's before drying and curing time. I have been browsing here as a guest for a while and decided to register when my BUDdy gave me the good news about his Med Marj. script. I hope to learn a lot from here.
Any advice or tips on how to set up this room would be appreciated. I will be asking questions as they come up. And I hope to be able to post a grow progress report once we get to that point.
Keep up the "First Amendment Practice" on this educational website.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
With the Arizona heat I recommend staying away from the purer indicas that produce hard thick buds. Even indoors as the place gets hotter than the hubs of Hell. The sativas and sativa-dominant strains do much better with less chance of bud rot.


Well-Known Member
Just saying "High" and welcome..He's probably gonna need AC. Ah..the size vs turnover arguement..


Hello Hotrodharley and Coho. Ya he knows he will be using his AC overtime. He came from the banks of Lake Michigan, so he plans on running his AC all the time anyway. He can afford it though.
Hey Coho, you must be from the midwest also. Just a guess from your name.