++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems


Well-Known Member
what grodan cubes are you using HR? You say 4x4, but what is the height? 2.5" or 4". Also, when you put these in the ebb and grow, how much of the rockwool cube is under the water-line?


Rebel From The North
what grodan cubes are you using HR? You say 4x4, but what is the height? 2.5" or 4". Also, when you put these in the ebb and grow, how much of the rockwool cube is under the water-line?

Growdan delta blocks , 4x4x4 or
hugo 6x6x6 for veging to go into
a ebb&grow bucket systems.

but I'm likening 1/2
gal. Buckets filled with growdan
loose fill. For ebb&flow tables.


Well-Known Member
thanks HR...I love to experiment. The heirloom tomato salad was from the cover of the FoodNetworkTV mag. Easy Peasy.


Active Member

I just want to confirm your Aquashield ratio? I been using about 12oz per 50-55gal. I don't use piranha or anything else just aquashield. I know your using 7ml per gal but using it with piranha also. Just wanted to confirm the amount?

Thanks Bro!

I hope all this stupid weather won't destroy the trout fishing! Not sure I can take that after the shitty salmon season!!


Rebel From The North

I just want to confirm your Aquashield ratio? I been using about 12oz per 50-55gal. I don't use piranha or anything else just aquashield. I know your using 7ml per gal but using it with piranha also. Just wanted to confirm the amount?

Thanks Bro!

I hope all this stupid weather won't destroy the trout fishing! Not sure I can take that after the shitty salmon season!!
Hey bro i think winters coming way to fast lol, but im thinking things might get better with the cold.
but yah i use both same time! 7ml per gal aquashield and 2ml per gal piranha.


Active Member

So my flood table project isn't going that good. Basically what we had before was just a homemade table that we put our 4x4 grodan blocks on and hand watered them. And for the most part it worked pretty good. So for ease of use and consistency in watering I made a flood and drain table. So we started out watering 3 times a day. Now its been about 3 weeks and things aren't going good at all! The problems were having is no growth,wilting and no new roots. I've been out of town and haven't looked at them myself but thats the description I got. So what do you think? First impression is it's just to much water especially since we were hand watering them before inconsistently and they were fine. Also there's a lot of the mold on them. Do you take the plastic off of the grodan when there in the table? Also it seems that the roots would have a hard time establishing in that wet wool? Although I read in past posts that its ok for it to be wet. Any help would be appreciated as usual! I'll try to get some pics



Well-Known Member

So my flood table project isn't going that good. Basically what we had before was just a homemade table that we put our 4x4 grodan blocks on and hand watered them. And for the most part it worked pretty good. So for ease of use and consistency in watering I made a flood and drain table. So we started out watering 3 times a day. Now its been about 3 weeks and things aren't going good at all! The problems were having is no growth,wilting and no new roots. I've been out of town and haven't looked at them myself but thats the description I got. So what do you think? First impression is it's just to much water especially since we were hand watering them before inconsistently and they were fine. Also there's a lot of the mold on them. Do you take the plastic off of the grodan when there in the table? Also it seems that the roots would have a hard time establishing in that wet wool? Although I read in past posts that its ok for it to be wet. Any help would be appreciated as usual! I'll try to get some pics

I know you didn't ask me, but how often were you watering when you were hand watering? 3 times a day in straight rockwool seems excessive, and when I tried out 6x6 cubes, I felt once a day was even too much when the plants were young. You may have no new roots because of over-watering, and the plant doesn't need to grow new roots searching for water if the cubes are always over-saturated. A little wet or moist or damp is cool, but sopping wet all the time might not be ideal.

What stage of growth are you in, and how big are the plants? Might wanna cut back to one watering a day, see if the plants perk back up.


Active Member
I know you didn't ask me, but how often were you watering when you were hand watering? 3 times a day in straight rockwool seems excessive, and when I tried out 6x6 cubes, I felt once a day was even too much when the plants were young. You may have no new roots because of over-watering, and the plant doesn't need to grow new roots searching for water if the cubes are always over-saturated. A little wet or moist or damp is cool, but sopping wet all the time might not be ideal.

What stage of growth are you in, and how big are the plants? Might wanna cut back to one watering a day, see if the plants perk back up.


No problem!! Appreciate the info!! Hopefully they can pop back.. What we were doing is cloning in root shooters or similar then when the roots were established we would put them in the 4x4 grodan and move to table. Was probably watering once a day at best. So I'll cut down on the watering right away. Just a note we move them from that stage to our buckets with hydroton. They probably have been in the grodan for 3-4 weeks. Do you keep the plastic the blocks in the table??



Rebel From The North
I leave the plastic on, but 3-4 weeks you should have trees! So something must be rong! I would cut back on watering
till you see roots poping out the lower part of the blocks. Sounds like over watering


Active Member
I leave the plastic on, but 3-4 weeks you should have trees! So something must be rong! I would cut back on watering
till you see roots poping out the lower part of the blocks. Sounds like over watering
Thanks HR,

They never get that big in 3 weeks. At least ours don't. We're going to switch to net pots with hydroton in the table then we'll just put the whole thing in our buckets. Hopefully that should work better.



Active Member
This is my main issue with RW..... If watering frequency isnt bang on, and it changes all the time due to plant requirements, it is very hard not to drown your roots and get a good oxygen supply.

When you use hydroton, the top 20% or so of your roots dont really see water other than high humidity and gives constant supply of oxygen to roots. The remaining 80% can pretty much stay submerged and the plant will never drown.

If you fuck up a feed or aquire any nasties in RW it is shit loads more work to flush em and fix the problem.

I really dont understand why folk use RW cubes other than for cloning, especially with F&D tables, it's counter productive.


Rebel From The North
Well I have run both mediums on large scale
operations and r/w is by far the easyest to use
for me. All the issue he's having I don't think it's
becouse of to much watering, more so not enough
watering, to push old water out and replace with
new. His yellowing I think is from a lack of propper
levels of nutes. The short of it is there's 2 issues
1) roots
2) Npk is out of wack