helo no1 helped alot last time


New Member
i have a 3 week old plant and it has 4 sets of leaves and i put it outside during the day and it was hot and it burned the leaves and they turned white and i just put it inside and watered it and misted it but is it going to die or is it stil going to grow please help i need to know
and are they leaves going to turn green green again
all i want to know if its going to survive or not cause when i posted it yesterday ppl were just talking about lights and i dont care about that


Active Member
Why you bring it inside if you don't care about lights? It's sink or swim jfa. Leave it out there and water every night if you have to. Nobody here knows what you need but you.


Active Member
yea man, id just do what muffy said. keep it outside and water and feed it regularly. have you been checking your Ph?


How hot was it outside I dont see direct sunlight burning your plant, I am not so sure that it was the heat I live in the desert were it gets in the high 90's and I put my smaller plants out every now and then and they dont get burnt, Mine burn when my lights are to close but even then they do fine. So if it is a burn just give it time dont baby it and it will be fine.


Active Member
916....? you live in sac??? i do too and there is no way that the sun had burnt your baby. it hasnt even gotten over 80 degrees yet!