HELP! 1 week old marijuana seedling leafs are curling down


Well-Known Member
My 1 week old seedling have been doing great! im growing outdoors they aint stretching. Im not over watering i let the pot dry out completely before i water and this morning i noticed on two of the seedling that the leafs are curling down what could the problem be?
You're growing outdoors from seed (right now) in Ohio? I can tell you that most of Ohio's weather (right now) just killed your seedling.

Did you know that your seedling is also trying to flower?

If you can help us understand your purpose then possibly we can save this seedling.


Active Member
lol, yeah for sure, the different light periods of the fall and the color temperature of the sun right now is not ideal for starting outdoors, not to mention the cold weather coming up. A cannabis plant should not be exposed to less than 65 degree weather.
