Help! 1st Grow w/ some issues could use some help diagnosing (w/ photos)


Active Member

Hopefully someone can help me out with my issue I'm having now.

Some initial thoughts/information:

I read somewhere that giving your plants an occasional misting will help prevent any infestations an so I've been giving my plants a gentle spray occasionally. Im hoping that this is what caused this issue and not something more serious.

It started on some of my smaller plants which I've pictured here.... now it seems to have "spread" to the larger plants that were very healthy before (this seemed to happen overnight to the larger plant pictured below)

Is this nute burn? Deficient in something? Infestation? any ideas? I've stared at the leaves for a good 10 minutes and couldn't see anything moving...

Thanks for any help you can provide.

BTW: My plants were all in together in a tent.. but I've thrown the larger ones into flower and have moved the little ones into a separate area.. but up until about 2 hours ago they were all together..


Well-Known Member
are you feeding the smaller plants? because they are too small for food yet from what I know... how close are your lights? the bottom pics almost look like it could be light burn, some experienced growers are going to chip in here with the right answers ;) good luck, dont worry


Well-Known Member
Here is the deal...depending on your soil choice it looks like a deficiency more than a burn...a burn will turn the tips of the leaves brown, and then the rest of the leaf will turn moving back from the tip...what you have looks like a magnesium deficiency, so get some calmag...a million different companies make it...hell epsom salt added to the soil will do it too...if you haven't given them any nutes yet I would give them a small dose...I don't really have enough information to for sure tell ya but I feel like it is a Cal-mag kinda solution


Well-Known Member
Just keep googling plant deficiency pictures and then keep tweeking...always tweeking, it's also possible that if you are misting with your lights on you are burning your leaves, but that will usually show more brown than yellow


Well-Known Member
if you have any doubt that you have spidermites it wouldnt hurt to do a habaneros foliar feed while you have no flowers yet, I would spray it 3 times over a 9 day period I originally found the recipe on RIU but I copied it in my journal somewhere if you wanna check it out


Active Member
Here is the deal...depending on your soil choice it looks like a deficiency more than a burn...a burn will turn the tips of the leaves brown, and then the rest of the leaf will turn moving back from the tip...what you have looks like a magnesium deficiency, so get some calmag...a million different companies make it...hell epsom salt added to the soil will do it too...if you haven't given them any nutes yet I would give them a small dose...I don't really have enough information to for sure tell ya but I feel like it is a Cal-mag kinda solution
Hi Missnu.. I just started giving CaMg+ (I'm using the General Organics line) I've been giving them nutes right from seedling because I'm using peat moss with no nutrients added. My water is pretty hard so its likely not the Ca but probably the Mg hopefully it comes back

My lights are also pretty close so I moved them up.. I have an AC hood so I can put the back of my hand right on the glass with no issues but just to be safe. I'm hoping that the misting with the light closer than it probably should be was burning the leaves a bit but we'll see


Active Member
So I gave it a good feeding with some CaMg and it looks better already after less than 24 hours.. thanks again to everyone for their help. I'll keep my eyes on them. but so far a lot better!!

+rep to everyone!:lol: