HELP! 1st time grow! 3 week old slow growth brown tips drying bottom leaves


Active Member
Hello, My plant is very short and 3 weeks old. Is this regular? the top leaves tips are brown and a little yellowish. the first 2 fan leafes are getting dried up and a little whithered. I have provided the below info. and pics regarding my problem. please help, this is my first grow.

i have a 3 week old (bag seed) growing in a 4x2 dressor cabinet. I have the walls lined with shiny white wrapping paper. And a temp. control heating pad resting under the pot.(set to a very low setting) I am using Equalife potting soil which is a mix of: bark, peat humus, Yard Waste, mineral top soil and perlite. I have 2 26watt CFL's one directly above the plant (Approx 3in. above) and one to the back at plant level (approx 4-5in. away) this one i just installed last night in case of a lighting problem. they are set on a timer of 17 hrs on/ 3 off /1 on /3 off. the pot i am using has a watering resivour built in under the pot with slits and drainage holes so the water comes mostly from the bottom up. i using house water and i give my plant light mists throughout the day. the temp stays between 70f-80f. i have posted some pics any help will be much appreciated. please notify me if you need any furthur info.



Active Member
here are the photos. sorry for the shoddy pics i only have my cell phone.



Well-Known Member
Wow, these plants are 3 weeks old?? Mine look like that at 3 DAYS old! Your temps are OK, but what is your humidity like? And why are you using such a crazy light schedule?

17hrs ON - 3hrs OFF - 1hr ON - 3hrs OFF

Where did you get the idea to do that?? I suspect that the bizarre light schedule has something to do with the problem.


Active Member
I read on a couple growing guides that interupting the dark cycle with an hour of light will help the probability of the plant being female. and that i should use 18hrs light 6 hours of dark. thats where i get the 17hrs/3hr off/1hr/3hr off. I do not have a hygrometer to check humidity atm but i will post asap. if my light cycle could be screwing with the plant what would be a better schedule?? any info will be great as this is my first time growing.



Well-Known Member
I read on a couple growing guides that interupting the dark cycle with an hour of light will help the probability of the plant being female. and that i should use 18hrs light 6 hours of dark. thats where i get the 17hrs/3hr off/1hr/3hr off. I do not have a hygrometer to check humidity atm but i will post asap. if my light cycle could be screwing with the plant what would be a better schedule?? any info will be great as this is my first time growing.
Forget all that nonsense about interrupting the dark period with an hour of light. It has nothing to do with the plants being male or female. Sex is determined by genetics. Get your plants on a normal 18/6 or 24/0 schedule.


Active Member
sweet thanks for your help. i changed the lighting to 18/6 last night. also the 2 bottom leaves (not the round fan leaves) are turning yellow and have brown going from the tip into the middle of the leaf. the plant also seems to be sagging a little. i will post pics shortly. any ideas of what could be causing this? and is it fine?


Active Member
I'll check it out thanks for the info. the plant looks to be coming out of it and growth has sped up. there are a few little leaves coming in as well as tiny ones inside of that. i will post new pics later today.


Well-Known Member
ive done this crazy lighting thing b4. got 6 out of 6 females on 2 separate occasions its not the light......whats that mud u got that plant living in

take the heating pad out from under the pot drainage is essential dont use that resivoir system


Active Member
ok i have the new pics posted that i've taken from today. the plant is 30 days old. it has started growing a little more rapidly the last couple days but i am worried something is not right. Shouldn't my plant be bigger? and does it look healthy? all the new growth is really green and looks good. also part of the root was coming out of the soil like and upside down "U". is this normal or something i should worry about? i covered the root with dirt and watered it down a little.




Active Member
the soil i am using is homelife potting soil. its ingredients are: Regionally formulated from bark, Peat Humus, Yard waste, Mineral top soil and Perlite. is there any guide to watering such as exactly how much water i should use and how often. your saying leave the water resivour in the bottom empty? and water from the top only?



Well-Known Member
the soil i am using is homelife potting soil. its ingredients are: Regionally formulated from bark, Peat Humus, Yard waste, Mineral top soil and Perlite. is there any guide to watering such as exactly how much water i should use and how often. your saying leave the water resivour in the bottom empty? and water from the top only?

yes water from the top add some perlite to the soil and water only when its dry like up to your 2nd knuckle, poke your finger in if you feel wet dont water, water the entire soil surface until you got like 10 percent runoff


Active Member
sweet thanks for your help. i watered from the top until i had run off out the bottom so i should be good the soil looks like its draining the water pretty well. i will wait to water it again until its dry like you said.


Well-Known Member
sweet thanks for your help. i watered from the top until i had run off out the bottom so i should be good the soil looks like its draining the water pretty well. i will wait to water it again until its dry like you said.
yea just wait to give it any more i mean the worst way to treat a drowning plant is to water it if you notice it will get dry on top but if you probe around with your finger it will be super wet still a half inch down


Active Member
ok i will keep that in mind and make sure not to overwater thanks again for your help. do the newest pics from today look healthy?


Active Member
I see no signs of ventilation in your little set up there, is it possible it's just starved for fresh air here?
I keep mine in a full sized closet and I still have to pump fresh air in there to keep it growing at a decent rate.