Help 1st time grower


can i still top my plant, it's around 40 inches tall?? and almost 2 months old, it's around 6-7 weeks old. im also seeing the leaves drooping a bit, more than normal :( i watered it with 1 gallon of water yesterday around 10:00 AM. and it went all day through 95 degree (fareinheit) weather, and all today through 95-100 degree weather. the medium is already dry. do u think its possible that i need to do ahead and give it another gallon of water?? i have it in a bucket that a tree came in that we bought at Lowe's. im not sure if it's a 2 gallon..5 gallon.. or what. im guessing that it's a 2, i would upload pictures but my brother's a bitch and took all 3 of the camera's in the house. gonna have to do somethn bout that -_-


Well-Known Member
Yup just not too severe. It's just wasted energy. Try to decide if you want 2 to 4 main colas, a scrog style with multiple buds or anotherntechnique. Then prune. It's like the carpenters saying, "measure twice and cut once"


Well-Known Member
you should practice this when watering man will be much easier to judge when you need water. when its dry pick up the pot and feel how much it weighs and then water till you get some run off, then pick pot up again and feel weight. learn to feel how much the wieght is dry and wet and itll be much easier to judge when you need to water again.


i'll try to get one of our camera's and take a pic. so maybe someone can better determine if the leaves are drooping from heat, too much water, too little water, ph, etc..


Well-Known Member
leaves drooping is usually caused by water issues. could be that your watering too often, or not watering enough. when you water try to do it like this. pour a little bit in enough to get the surface wet and wait like 15minsthen water again till you see run-off


yea, im probably doing it wrong then, i did water till' the water came out of the bottom of the pot, but i poured all the water in at once, i didnt pour little bits at a time until it came out of the bottom like u suggested, that may be the problem, so u dont think that the HOT 95-100 degree weather had anything to do with it????? ok i got my camera and this is what im working with:


Active Member
I think it's just really bitchin hot and your plant is extra whole garden is wilting at the hottest part of the day right now..plant looks fine...keep watering. You might want to consider a bigger container if you plan to flower outdoors cause you've got a while to go yet and that plant will quickly become a tree.

Good luck


shit.. idk where ima get a bigger pot. my parents sure as hell wont buy it, cus they will know for sure that im growin weed. any suggestions on what i could use for a pot? and i dont even know how the hell i would get that big ass plant out of that pot and into another one withou breaking all the roots n shit


Active Member
Root-Bound! Move that girl to a bigger pot asap! It's looking nice and healthy, but has been stunted from bushing-out. Plants are brilliant with how they allocate their resources. Taking your plant as an example: After 1 - 2 weeks, the root-system has "discovered" the size/limits of the pot. This tells the roots to stop 'stretching' and to start 'filling-in' the available space, which it does by making smaller/lateral roots. By week 4-5 the roots have completely filled the available space. The plant knows not to create a shoot-system that the root-system isn't able to support. Since the sun/heat has been a B*TCH this summer, your plants doesn't want to create that much foliage. The leaves are actually the driving force of the entire water-uptake system for plants. When light/heat hits the plant, water is lost by evaporation from the leaves. This negative pressure runs the entire way down the plant, ultimately culminating with the roots pulling-in water. So if your plant created more foliage, even more surface area would be combating the sun every day. And the root-system just isn't big enough to support that kind of additional stress. But you WANT the plant to bush-out and make foliage. More foliage more flowers more bud. So you have to transplant if you want a decent flowering cycle. And a whole gallon of water is way too much for that size pot. But it still looks pretty d*mn healthy. Gotta love weeds...they're survivors


thanks for the advice, and i made a different thread cause i had a different problem, and i uploaded a picture of the plant transplanted into a much bigger pot.