HELP!!! 2 Weeks from Harvest and im finding BUGS... and other problems....PLZ LOOK

DJ ILLusion

So I was just lookin over my buds with a magnifying glass to see the trichomes when i noticed a tiny little black bug crawling up the stem... Started looking more closely and noticed 3 more B4 i started this post... what do i do? I'm only about 2 weeks away from harvest and dont wanna lose my girl... hoping to find a natural way that dont involve pesticides. any advice would be greatly appreciated. And also about a month and a half ago i had a light mishap. put a light a little too close and didnt monitor it and as a result the stem burned really bad. I decided to give it time before chopping it off and it produced some great buds so i said fuck it and let it be. so now im noticing its splitting apart and leaking clear liquid. is it gonna be ok? will the bud be any less potent? Thanks again in advance for any advice you can throw a first time grower.DSCI0179.jpgDSCI0182.jpgDSCI0184.jpgDSCI0186.jpgDSCI0199.jpg


New Member
Did you start with clones? People pass mites around with clones.Picture # two left hand side at the bottom you see white dots on the leaf? I think that could be spider mite damage. you can't get rid of them now wait until harvest and clean the room with bleach put some hot shot no pest strips in the room and start over make sure you throw out all the dirt pick up all the leafs. It looks like you have more than two weeks left btw


New Member
If you only have couple plants you might be able to get rid of them unnamed.jpghang this rite next to it this way you don't have to spray. If you didn't have buds you might be able to use a hot pepper spray but you don't want to smoke that shit. spidermites are the devil very hard to get rid of. it takes multiple treatments every three days they become immune to everything. so you have to use something different every time.Look on the under sides of the leafs for real small black dots see if they move it might take a minute.

DJ ILLusion

looked all over the whole plant and only seen the 3 but they were hard to spot... didnt see any under the leaves on this exam tho... will keep looking... lets hope those strips work...


Well-Known Member
it looks like stem rott
i had a problem like this
i treated the wound with h2o2
have u had something else tied 2 the plant ?
or have u cut some away with a dirty knife ?
im no expert tho thats 4 sure
but its rott imho
u should b ok tho
ur nearly done
good luck


Active Member
if u wait until its dark and shine a light from underneath the plant , you should see black dots where the bugs are, not much u can do now, but it'd give u an idea of what to expect come smoking time

DJ ILLusion

it looks like stem rott
i had a problem like this
i treated the wound with h2o2
have u had something else tied 2 the plant ?
or have u cut some away with a dirty knife ?
im no expert tho thats 4 sure
but its rott imho
u should b ok tho
ur nearly done
good luck
naw nothing tied or dirty knives just the light was too close...were the buds from the burnt stem any less potent?


Well-Known Member
No they were just as good as the rest
but as I said I had dried out the wound with h202
and all was well