Help!!! 2nd day flowering and the photo period was messed up!!!

THE SETUP: cfl, soil, rubbermaid growbox

I have a veg room and a flowering room in my grow. The flowering room is set to a 12/12 from 7pm-7am. I woke up around 12pm today, with fresh plants in there on there 2nd day in flowering, and the lights were still on!!!! I shut them off immediately, but they all look super stressed now and are withering and looking as close to death as I've ever seen them.

Should I just reveg them til they look better since they r new to the 12/12 or should I just let them continue and cross my fingers??? I'll have pictures when the lights come back on tonight, just want to keep them in pitch black til then to reduce the stress and shock.

Oh yeah, these are from bagseed, 3 wks old from seed, not clones. I hope they don't go hermie on me from this.



Well-Known Member
I would just keep flowering they sound like they are in shock you could try to shut light off for24 hours goodluck with them


Well-Known Member
1 bad day won't do shit to hurt the plants, especially since you just started flowering. If they look bad its something else, not the lighting.
1 bad day won't do shit to hurt the plants, especially since you just started flowering. If they look bad its something else, not the lighting.
They looked beautiful green and healthy as could be, some of the best looking plants I've raised yet, when I got to bed at 3am. Now with the messed up light cycle they r still green but withery lookin and somewhat crispy to the touch. They were both fimmed a week and a half ago and have been rapidly bushing out ever since. I don't know if this has anything to do with whats happening now, just trying to give you a mental picture without having a real one to show you.

I think I have some pics from my private grow log from yesterday I'll try to put up but it isn't going to show the stress.
Okay so these are pictures from a couple days ago before I put the 2 ladies in question into my flowering chamber. These are just to show all the problems I'm seeing r new and photo related, also because I have never shown my room to the outside world and I am kinda proud of it. I'm not an "expert grower" or anything but I get results I'm happy with:P

The 1st pic is the veg chamber ovrhead, this is an area that I use to get my plants up to 2-4 wks of growth, then I move them to my budding chamber for sexing and eventually flowering if they're female.

The next 6 pics are of the 2 plants that I am having the trouble with b4 the trouble started, and what I'd like to get back too with a little help from u guys:)

The rest of the pics are of other plants in this room in various stages of growth, I trying for a constant harvest type of set up, with numerous plants maturing at different times.


and I know the last one looks a little sickly, its a youngin from bag seed, not even gonna begin guessing what her problem is. It has looked like that all its life, I've tried different things but nothing seems to perk it up. It isn't ovr watered tho it kinda looks it. Not root bound or anything. I just leave it in the veg chamber hoping it'll go somewhere but it won't. It's actually the same age as the biggest plant in there its just stunted its growth for some reason.

All thought and comments are welcome on my garden, I'm still learning but let me know what you all think and Iget my budding room pics up as soon as the lights come back on.

Also could someone tell me why giving it 24 hrs to recover would be helpful? I'll try it if it isn't just going to further stress vunurable plants.


Well-Known Member
1 bad day won't do shit to hurt the plants, especially since you just started flowering. If they look bad its something else, not the lighting.
my plants had no light for 5 days when i was away on holiday and all survived, just need a bit of a boost and a kick start to get them going again.

I really dont think this is a light issue, you sure the ph and everything is the same in this new tank? :joint:


New Member
1 bad day won't do shit to hurt the plants, especially since you just started flowering. If they look bad its something else, not the lighting.
I agree. It aint the lighting, 2 days of fucked lighting will not make them wither.
They have been given rain water or bottled water with veg nutes mixed in in controled measured tested and true (used successfully in the past) amounts then I just flushed them b4 changing the photoperiod and give them plain water with a ph of 6.2. I'm going to get some sort of gow log going. I just checked the veg tank again and compared them to the pics I posted earlier and they look liked they've developed a lot. But then again these things always seem to impress me more when I'm norched (like now) lol I love to kick back and smoke out while I watch the grass grow:P

Okay now that the lights are back on I've been able to re-examine the situation and its not as bad as I thought. The crispy is all gone and they're looking like they'll pull through in a day or two. They look a little folded in yet, I think that will right itself when I water next time, fingers crossed.

Maybe I'm wrong, here r the new pics. Sorry for the freak out but I know that the plants are stressin the new 12/12 enough as it is and I've never never never had the timers screw up like that. So let me know if you think these ladies r gonna b okay:)

Ps 1 of the pics show tiny yellow spots, but its not an issue. I just noticed it today, but I'm pretty sure it'll b easy enough to fix. Also threw in some more pics from the veg room, just cuz I like the progress in there from the earlier pics I posted being 2 days older. Gimme ur opinions!!!



Active Member
Yea bro I wouldnt sweat it at all, power went out and put my timer on a fritz when i was on vacation, then a few hourse after I got home I discovered one of my plants was on ITS SIDE bent sideways... I just tied her back up and she looks fine. Point is these things are pretty durable, Main thing is just dont worry about them too much and let them grow, they will be just fine. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yea bro I wouldnt sweat it at all, power went out and put my timer on a fritz when i was on vacation, then a few hourse after I got home I discovered one of my plants was on ITS SIDE bent sideways... I just tied her back up and she looks fine. Point is these things are pretty durable, Main thing is just dont worry about them too much and let them grow, they will be just fine. :leaf:
amen brother. :peace:
Advise taken. Thanks for the reassurance:) been thinking about starting a grow log on here for over a year, but I got high And I've always been super paranoid to post on here for fear the DEA would show up at my house the net day. Do you think anyone would even benefit from it? I think my plants look great, but then again I'm the only one that ever sees them so for all I know I grow retarded compared to the next guy. Anyone wanna tell me how I rate? Thanks again!!!


Active Member
Advise taken. Thanks for the reassurance:) been thinking about starting a grow log on here for over a year, but I got high And I've always been super paranoid to post on here for fear the DEA would show up at my house the net day. Do you think anyone would even benefit from it? I think my plants look great, but then again I'm the only one that ever sees them so for all I know I grow retarded compared to the next guy. Anyone wanna tell me how I rate? Thanks again!!!
Hopefully the DEA has bigger things to worry about than a grow for personal use...

Grow logs are great, some people may be able to reference your issue cause they are going through a very similar instance and they can see how you handled it, the outcome, and what they could do differently. It really all up to you, and whats the point of rating yourself? I just think it is going to be awesome when I am smoking my own shit, some people just have a green thumb and others dont. :leaf:
Very wise grasshopper:) Thinks I'll go ahead and get one started tonight then.

Wasn't really looking for the ego boost tho, just nobody else but stoner me had ever seen my garden and I thought it be nice to see what people with more experience then me thought about the job I was doing or possible had any pointers for improved growth/yield. I take any help thats offered to me when it comes to my plants.:joint: :peace:
Also real quick while I'm on here too; The plants in question for this post have made a full recovery and I will post updated pics tonight after 7pm when I get home. As far as I can tell the prob was just a bit of stress from the light cycle and a slight potassium deficiency that was treated when I gave the plant its budding nutes on the last watering. Thanks again to everyone who's posted on this thread, I really appreciate the help.


Well-Known Member
Congrats, and glad it got worked out!

Mine is growing like a weed, literally lol. It is on day 10 from germination and is already on its third node of leaves. Got it under 4 26w daylight cfl's and one 42watter.


Well-Known Member
glad it all worked out bro,
i'd love to see a journal, let us know if yu start up on one but for now keep it up :D