Help! 4th week of flower


So I have just entered my 5th week of flower today. When I checked on the ladies one of them looks like kinda terrible.
The top fan leaves are almost fluoro yellow and the tips burned horribly, the growth down lower and inside the plant
are bright yellow. Nute burn or deficiency? How to proceed? Flush and start nutes at half strength?



I dont think so, only as light is in air cooled tube, and temps are from 19.2 degrees Celsius in the night cycle to 29.3 degrees Celsius tops in the night cycle, however there is a circulating fan on the tops, hand test feels cool, cool tube is cool to the touch and tent is cycling air like 50x min lol. Also the plant next to it, same gene, same distance to light, is doing amazing.


Ursus marijanus
That does suggest it ain't heat, unless somehow the plant received a hot pulse. I'm stumped, but judging by the health of the rest of what i see, it isn't a nutrient issue. cn

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Wow, that seems Awful Drastic to just happen over night, and just on that one leaf. Did you happen to spill/splash nutrients on it?


Wow, that seems Awful Drastic to just happen over night, and just on that one leaf. Did you happen to spill/splash nutrients on it?
Sorry I did not explain that correctly, they turned bright yellow overnight, stayed that way for a while, combined with purp stems I diagnosed as a Calcium/Magnesium deficiency and
added cal-mag to the feeding, the next day one of the fan leaves started to regain some green starting from the stem working out, no change in the fan leaf opp side. Also the foliage on
the inner parts of the plant where bright yellow the entire time. So 6 days after they initially turned yellow brings us to 2 days ago when I checked them and no change, then yesterday
I checked them and the one side is burnt as you can see. I'm super cautious with watering and haven't foliar fed in 4 weeks.


New growth looks good, it's the old fan leaves and the undergrowth. Besides the plant beside it is closer to the center of the bulb and about an inch higher. So burnt up one is 6.5" from cooltube and super awesome sister (seeds came from the same bud) is about 5.5" from cooltube but more centered to light. Also the tent does not stay at 29.3 for long, there is a duct running from the central air(set to 25.0 Celsius) to the inside of tent. It just shuts off regularly which allows the tent to get a bit warmer.


Active Member
Did you run veg nutes during the first 1-2 weeks of flowering? Looks like it's trying to pull N out of the leaf. I run dynagro until the end of week 2 flowering. Some of my small lower leaf will drop but everything else stays green.


Well-Known Member
Whats the dirt/nutes you using it looks like some barbecue Lay's you have too much of something most likely your nutes or the wrong dirt but if you make it this far I doubt if it's the dirt, how are you measuring your nutes?


Whats the dirt/nutes you using it looks like some barbecue Lay's you have too much of something most likely your nutes or the wrong dirt but if you make it this far I doubt if it's the dirt, how are you measuring your nutes?
Soil Composition is 50% coco 30% perlite and 20% worm castings. Nutes are as follows
Grow: DNF grow, Carboload, insect guano, Seaplex (kelp), and DNF veg fortifier
Bloom: DNF bloom, insect guano,DNF bloom fortifier or Massive bloom formulation(spikes ppms like mad so one or the other), Budfactor X, Bigbud, 1 hit of bud blood, seaplex, and of course Carboload to keep the Mycorrizahe happy.