HELP!!!!! 5th week in to flower purple kush

I need some help im my 5th week in to flower and last week i started to see little yellow spots on the big fan leaves and the stems turning redish purple about a day or two later the leaf tips started to turn yellowish brown and drying up and the spots were yellowish brown and about a day or two afer that the tips were yellowish brown and dry they just crack when i touch them same with the yellowish brown spots all dry i flushed with pure distilled water ph like a 6.5-6.6 for ferts and soil im useing FFOF soil with the Fox farm grow big fox farm tiger bloom fox farm big bloom along with the open sesame beastie bloomz and cha ching and i also use the bush doc sledge hammer and i use the fox farm feed schedule and follow it to a T as for room temp and humidity with the light on temp is 79 all day and humidity is 55 and with the light off the temp is 60 and the humidity is 60-65 i running a 400w hps cool tube with fresh air coming in and bad air going out and a small fan blowing right under the light and just over the tops of the plant this is my 3rd crop and had this same prob in my last few weeking or flowering with my last crop and now in to my 5th week with this crop i dont know what it is please help let me know if u need more info i tryed to list everything


Active Member
FF Ocean Forrest is a hot medium. It seems to me that you are experiencing nitrogen burns (tips) and calcium deficiency. Use only water for a week, and if your new growth is not better, take pictures and post again. Rust spots are usually calcium, but overfeeding can cause hotspots and lockouts, causing larger issues. Remember it's nearly impossible to starve a plant, but too much food is poison.


Well-Known Member
my best guess is you burned it. you only have a few weeks left in your grow, right? mb hold up with the ferts for the rest of your grow. wish i could be more helpful. sounds like a minor probem. how did your other crop smoke??? harsh or smooth?


Active Member
without pics and your information alone, im going to say their getting 2 much phosphorus, which is locking out magnesium and possibly calcium. The open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching are probably what is causing this. Exact same thing has happened to me and I threw those 3 nutes out, well i didn't really throw them out I sold them. In my opinion they have way 2 much phosphorus in them.
I flushed the shit out of my last crop and it turned out awesome im still smoking it i would have to say my best crop yet but thanks for the info i hit her with pure water about 2 days ago we'll see if that works
Ill cut back on the cha ching next feeding as well i dont want to stop useing it the stuff is awrsome but thanks for the info i think its a mix of fert burn and/or lock out im going to wait and see if the pure water flush works out


Well-Known Member
shoulda spent your money on quality soil amendments. and a few minerals, that DON'T burn plants roots and leaves.
I dont think its the soil at all i think i just got a little heavy with my ferts i have ben useing ffof with all my crops and only had a small issue in the last 2 weeks of flower with my last crop and now 5 weeks in to flower its deff not the soil i think dannyboy hit the j just right i burnt iit tooooo much fert
Oops didnt realize it was you dannyboy saying it was the ffof soil but i do think i burnt the shit outa them with the beastie bloomz it calls for 1/4 - 1/2 a tsp and i allways used 1/4 and last week i thought i would try going with a 1/2 and its wayyyyy to much i guess ill back off on it maybe skip it next feeding and then stick with the 1/4 tsp


Well-Known Member
Don't u think u have enough nutes between the trio of FF products plus the FF soil, that should pretty much set u up with nutes IMO for the duration of ur grow, maybe instead of goin overboard with nutes look for other methods to spur growth such like CO2 or play around with ur lights, try a diff color spectrum, usually starting a grow with a product like FF soil is to ensure that u won't need any nutes for the 1st 4 weeks or so cause of nutes already in the soil that and I've heard other growers complain about the FF feeding schedule saying they suggest to strong of a regimen.