Help 8 weeks flower SOG 20 small plants


Help I’ve got 20 plants sea of great only few showing yellowing and purple and 1 drying up m crisping should I chop this one or wait.. starting flush this week will it survive?


Well-Known Member
Help I’ve got 20 plants sea of great only few showing yellowing and purple and 1 drying up m crisping should I chop this one or wait.. starting flush this week will it survive?
Take a deep breath. And think to yourself. Should I do the minimum amount of work and try to at least help the people that will be helping me ? Ok if the answer to that is yes ... then get a photo taken and put up and we can give it a shot. Also other information might be helpful you think ? Temp / humid / medium for soil ect ?


Using 600 w hps temps around 77 30-40% humidity using green planets nutrients following feed chart provided plus pro mag and plant guard 6.5 water


Take a deep breath. And think to yourself. Should I do the minimum amount of work and try to at least help the people that will be helping me ? Ok if the answer to that is yes ... then get a photo taken and put up and we can give it a shot. Also other information might be helpful you think ? Temp / humid / medium for soil ect ?
Sorry added info but my photos won’t upload gonna try take a pic directly tonight when they wake up


Well-Known Member
Sorry added info but my photos won’t upload gonna try take a pic directly tonight when they wake up
Ok good to hear. Your temps and humidity are fine, humidity could be a bit higher but it wont hurt anything.
Have you flushed at all during your flowering ? might be starting a salt lock out and need to flush them out a bit ? Ill wait for the pics to get up good luck !


Ok good to hear. Your temps and humidity are fine, humidity could be a bit higher but it wont hurt anything.
Have you flushed at all during your flowering ? might be starting a salt lock out and need to flush them out a bit ? Ill wait for the pics to get up good luck !
No I haven’t flushed during flower.... when should that be done.... I only thought it was for final weeks before harvest...



Well-Known Member
Ohhhhh lalaaA... Flush that shit... Like last week from 2 days ago... I was not expecting this... But this is done ... I wouldn't worry about what dosent make it at this point... I would just focu on that flush.


Ohhhhh lalaaA... Flush that shit... Like last week from 2 days ago... I was not expecting this... But this is done ... I wouldn't worry about what dosent make it at this point... I would just focu on that flush.
Is it that bad lol I’ll start on that flush but what I was wandering is there any visual signs I should keep out for of the bud degrading in anyway ???


Well-Known Member
Is it that bad lol I’ll start on that flush but what I was wandering is there any visual signs I should keep out for of the bud degrading in anyway ???

Umm i started following this when you first posted as I was curious because it said sog. But looking at those pics you nuted the shit out of that. Do as stated flush and ask for help about 4 weeks earlier Next time


Well-Known Member
Is it that bad lol I’ll start on that flush but what I was wandering is there any visual signs I should keep out for of the bud degrading in anyway ???

Umm i started following this when you first posted as I was curious because it said sog. But looking at those pics you nuted the shit out of that. Do as stated flush and ask for help about 4 weeks earlier Next time


Umm i started following this when you first posted as I was curious because it said sog. But looking at those pics you nuted the shit out of that. Do as stated flush and ask for help about 4 weeks earlier Next time
She wasn’t bugging out 4 weeks ago just starting to about few days before I posted here getting worse and it’s only the few out of 20 which I why I was so confused but anyways thanks everybody was very helpful also new to this forum


Hope it turns out good. Interested to see a pic of the entire grow. Love a good sog grow
Meh it’s my second grow first time SOG I should have veged out a little longer I’ll post it soon limited space so I can’t really get to ballast to turn off my hps ( I k ow some of y’all hate that)...