help 911

Dyers Maker

Active Member
This morning i found a bud with a web like thing on in. Ive been fighting mite for three weeks now and everything was looking of(i only found this on one branch, Also saw a withe fuzzy thing under a leave in that branch.

What the hell and What the fuck do i do?
I am i doomed, Im a fighter and this is my only female so i need to preserve

Help me keep my smoke alive


Dyers Maker

Active Member
its during 3rd week of flowering so i can clone
ive been using shcultz garden safe fungicide 3 (incesticide, fungicide, miticide) once a week for three weeks now, and every once in a while i spray it with water

What about th fuzzy white thing??


Well-Known Member
Crush that lil SOB ... maybe his buddies will see and think twice about jumping on your girl !!!

Dyers Maker

Active Member

I did it, i hope they all got the message, non of the less any other suggestions?
Should i switch to neem or somthing else(flowering so neem wil be best right?) should i spray it every other day with water and soap?

Dyers Maker

Active Member
So what do i use ?

I have to save my buds???
One branch looks bad the rest of the plant is doing good?

I refuse to loose a 4' plant over i stinking measly animal in one branch (hopefully) the rest of the mites problem seems under control


Well-Known Member
Manual I know. I've heard of people using stuff during flowerring...I've just been too scared to try it, as everything I read says no chem spray during flowering.

Dyers Maker

Active Member
I know, it sucks its a large plant
removal with what a paper towel or tissue?

Isnt there anything safe in the organic sense?(with out buying lady bugs cause where the fuck i get those here


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you can get overnite a google search...or go to ..I think they sell them too