help a beginner grow

Mcluvin 2

Active Member
this will be my first grow and i still in the planning stages. i haven't grown anything before. i know it has to be an indoor process and seeing that i'm anticipating some failed first attempts i need it to be cost efficient. any beginners advice will help. also i'm thinking of a cabinet system am i headed in the right direction?


Well-Known Member
I can tell you exactly how to grow some stash cheaply. Step one. Find some seeds or a source of clones. Are you in the U.S?
IMO, a closet would be easier and way less expensive as building a box. Got one you can take over?


Well-Known Member
definitely go with the closet if you can.

nirvana attitude seeds, and amsterdammarijuanaseeds are three web seed banks


Well-Known Member
Seeds | Sensible Seeds gets some good press.

You might ask around your circle of known smokers for seeds. For your first grow, I'd try and find seeds locally. Obviously, the best pot around would be what you'd love to get a seed(s) from.


Well-Known Member
Depending on level of covertness nesecary a building a box can be alot easyer to control climate, which is the hardest thing to control in the whole grow. If you can vent your hood and you dont mind cutting some holes in the ceiling for intake and exahust, go closet. It all depends on your variables. When picking your strain keep in mind your space availabilty and requirments in finished product.


Well-Known Member
closet would be a good place , if you want cheep you could go with CFLs but they arent the best light but better then flor.


Well-Known Member
oh okay, no i know what they look like but when you said CFL and flor i just assumed the same thing. i call em T5s