Help a Newb!! Male or Female?


Active Member
Hey guys/girls! This is my first attempt at growing and finally I have a plant flowering. I thought it was female, but now that the preflowers have developed a little more, I'm not sure at all! I was wondering if some of you more experienced growers could take a look and give me your thoughts on weather or not this baby is gonna be smokeable! I really appreciate it thanks.



Well-Known Member
after looking at your pic it looks female but i wouldnt like to say.
any more pics?.
how long have you been flowering?.


Well-Known Member
the little nodes that grow from the internodes of your fanleaves they will grow reguardless of flower or not, BUT even though you do not have any hairs yet the little growths do look very female . Take a picture of the top of the plant as this is where you will notice things happening the fastest.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
well my stem is about 9".
only messing about under 1" the stem should be.
try to keep the lights"flos" about 2 to 3" away from the plant.


Active Member
too hard to tell...let it be for another week or 2. it wont do any harm if there is a male in there...they dont give of any pollen till they are a little older,. but i understand you wanna know..1 mo^re week and ask again


Active Member
koolies. me and my friends were given some seeds and we sprouted 2 of them. we have stuk them in 30 litre pots. we live in australia so we use the sun as our lighting. our stems are about 1.5cm long. is that ok?