help accidently overfed with ionic boost (soil)


New Member
Hey its my first grow and im panicking. Just coming up to 5th week in flower (cheese) and just realised ive accidently fed my ladies DOUBLE the recommended dose of ionic boost. What do i do now lol shall i flush them immediately? Is it gona kill them? Everything was going gud till now and now im bricking it lol any help would be much appreciated. Thanks


New Member
Ye she is the over two seem ok but shes gone brown at the edges on some leave and yellowing aswell? Iv got got superthrive shall i giv her some with plain water?? Thanks for reply.


New Member
Sorry never saw ur post will do? Shal i do it now even with lights on. Cant put pics up cuz only got a kindle. Will get one up asap.


I gave mine ionic boost every day for nearly a week and I went 1 day and they had all gone yellow n looked ducked so I fed them just water for a week and they came back to normal the leaf never repaired but it didn't really affect owt.good luck should be ok u Havant ova done it like I did :)


New Member
Lol i did giv it 20ml boost when it was ment to be ten. Im feedin out of 10ltr watering can. Thanks mate hope i ent killed em. Just gave them plenty of water anyhow. :wall: