Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)


Heyy awll, Looking for some help diagnosing the problem with my autoflower :O , its almost been 2 weeks now since it was pott'd and its begining to show signs of yellowing and discolouring, also the first true leaves are begining to curl up as if they are drying out. :leaf:
The soil is a standard mix with no nutes, wattered them 5 days after planting to moistened soil then 4 days after tht, i have been cautious with watering as i heard its very easy to overwater during the baby stage.
Not started a feeding schedule yet, got some flowering nutes i was going to use but not sure when to start,
should i start introducing the nutes now as they are showing signs of discolouring, i also heard tht autoflowers are kinna prone to getting yellowing leaves coz of a calcium deficiency in the genes or somthing or nitrogen not quite sure but because the leaves are curling i am getting pretty concerned :wall: ,
Picss should be attached any hellpp is veeerry apreciatedd. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Over watering Im afraid. Wait for the pot to be air light before you water again. The roots are suffocating. Over watering is top up watering every few days.


Hey thanks for the quick responce :D
Really i thot it would have been under watering :O the soil seems pretty dry dont get me wrong it is kind of still damp,
what would you recomend as a kind of watering schedule, bit of a newb lol


Well-Known Member
you water when the soil is no longer moist. there's no schedule to follow

any nutes at all at this stage will show symptoms like what you have

could also be overwatering


great tip man cheers, the soil doesnt have any nutes in it im sure, must be overwatering gonnah leev them for a couple of days see if theirs any improvement on its condition


Well-Known Member
Definitely do not fertilize until you have to move to a bigger pot. Fertilizing that young only stunts root growth. You want the roots to seek out more nutrients and therefore grow a huge root system :)

What kind of light are you using and how far from the top of the plant is it? Also what is the lighting schedule? Temp/humidity as well?


hey man, sory for the late reply :), yeah that makes alot of sense, al hang fire with the nootes for a few waterings,
im using 1 65w cfl n 2 11w just now then moving it to a 250w hps,
My set ups still pretty budget and growing i still need to pick up a thermometer, lol:dunce: noob shit,
bogth the 11w are 4 inch away from top and the 65w is about4 n a half 5 away. the schedules 12/12 as there autos but ive been giveing them about 13 on


Well-Known Member
To get the most out of an autoflower plant you need 18 hours of light. They can get 24/7 light and still flower, but really anything over 18hours you aren't gonna notice a substantial increase in harvest weight. 12 hours is not enough light, especially for the first few weeks of growth.....although they still will flower with 12/12 light you will get a much smaller yield than compared to 18/6 light schedule. Autoflowering strains are not photoperiod dependent like normal plants, therefore will flowering under pretty much any light cycle you give them


Ahhh i have read before of people putting their lights on for about 18/6, lol the name autoFLOWER is kind of misleading :P, well for me, cheers for the great advice dude :D


Well-Known Member
haha no problem. Now believe me, you CAN do it 12/12, you just gonna get less harvest. Cause I threw 4 auto's in to my 12/12 flowering tent right after they sprouted and still got decent results from them...bout 20g per plant under 400watts light. But you wanna reap the best harvest you can I'm sure :)


Yeah man definently wanting to do anything to increase my overall harvest :p
Theyve definently woke up since i changed the light schedule and cut down on the watering,
ive began to notice some yellowing on the first true leaves and the 2nd :o

Any ideas why this would be happening, woundering if it would be time to introduce them to sum nutes.

And does anyone know how to resize images on ah forum lol :leaf:


Well-Known Member
What size pot is it in? Looks to me like a pH problem, but it's a bit hard to tell from the coloring in the pictures. Any way you can test the pH of the water you are using? And the runoff from the pot after you water we need the pH of that....that soil mix looks like mostly peat moss which would make the pH acidic, locking out nutrients even if you were to add more. You really won't know unless you get some litmus paper or a pH probe and check.


Heyy man this is gonnah sound stupid but im not sure how big the pots are :)) , their about 9 n half inch tall.
i had a soil ph tester when i checked it, it was at 7, ill need to pick up some of them papers or a pen tester.
And yeah i think the soil is mostly peat moss


what would you says the best method for checking ph of the water?
ther seems to be lots of controversy on the ph probes, are the papers still pretty acurate


Well-Known Member
what would you says the best method for checking ph of the water?
ther seems to be lots of controversy on the ph probes, are the papers still pretty acurate
Yea I'm not sure you'd want to go and drop a hundred dollars on one of those pH probes. The litmus paper is fairly accurate (down to 1.0pH, whereas probes are usually accurate down to 0.1pH) just get you some with a color code chart to tell what pH you are reading. I always get a small cup and put a coffee filter on top, then when I water my plant, I let the runoff go into the coffee filter, keeping any dirt/debree in the filter, and then all you got in the cup is the pure runoff water that you will then test with litmus paper.


Yeah man was thinkin tht, if i need to go more accurate ill maybe consider it in the future :)
Sweet ideaa man, pretty sure i have an old strainer lying around sumwerr :P
Was thinkin if the water is too acidic coz i checked the soil ph n it said it was neutral,


Hey man, still waiting for the ph strips to come, in the meantime i gave them a watering and collected the run off in 2 cups, going to test them when the strips get heer.
The damage seems to be spreading a little pretty slowly, i got some bonemeal to kind of raise the ph a little, jst mixed a little in with the top of the soil.


Hey all, Took a few more pics, the yellowing seems to have begun spreading on one of them, added some bonemeal to the top of the soil to kind of raise the ph a lil
Heers a pic of the first true leaves
IMAG0422.jpg as you can see in this pic the yellowing is starting to spread and the little supplement leaves are starting to yellow :S
IMAG0424.jpg starting to show signs on the 2nd set aswell

The other girls seems to be stunted she hasnt really shown signs of growth in like 5 days, and the ends are starting to dry up and curl....

if anyone has any advice please leave a comment.