Help and Advice needed First ever cheap grow 12/12 from seed


IMG_0024.jpgwhats wrong with this plant? can it be nute burn or over watering i no its a bit stretched i started it on window sill i'm using two 30 watt CFL and a 10 watt for now waiting on another two 30 watts its been 12/12 from seed im using organic soil but i was stupid and put nute pellets in mix i no its not the best setup but do you think it will survive and flower or am i wasting my time ? any advice will be appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
Gets nutes from seed in the early stage so you don't need to add any. Looks like you're killing it with kindness.


thanks for reply i did actually no that i just thought id put some in to help it out just me and my stupid ideas do u think it will die if i replant it in fresh soil or should i just germ another seed n try again thanks


Well-Known Member
Just rinse it out next time it needs water. And not too much water. Let the container get really light before watering.


thanks for replies ive now re potted into new soil and gave it a little water in the last couple of days the fan leaves have got worse but there has been new growth and it seems to be fine what do you think i will keep updating every week and hopefully you guys can help and teach me along the way thanks alotweek 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
A lot better. You don't give up. Looking forward to your progress and please keep us all informed.


its looking alot better by the day can anyone give me advice when to start adding nutes and what i should get as its 12/12 do i need some with more P n K i have lookd at my cotyldons and they have gon brown any advice appreciated thanks week 2 D3.jpg

technical dan

Active Member
The cotyledons are fine the plant is doing the same thing with them as it is with those first leaves: sucking the energy/ stored energy out and getting ready to drop them since they wont help it anymore. Also like grorite said get some perlite or another drainage promoting material in your mix if/ when you transplant again. When you do that you could also bury the plant up to where the cotyledons are/ were to keep it from being so lanky. The buried stem will eventually turn into part of the root system.


Well-Known Member
Leave the nutes alone for awhile. Just grow 'au naturel' and you will be rewarded with a lush, green biatch!!


ok i took the advice and laid of the nutes im repottting tonight got myself sum perlite and a 7" pot since my last update its been doing just fine and has alot of new growth week 3 D3...jpgweek 3 D3..jpgweek 3 D3.jpg


just a quick update my plant has been doing pretty well in the last few days and i think i can see signs of flowering as i have got some green like pistols on each of my sights altho i may be wrong could do with a bit of help if im right to tell if its male or female thanksweek 4 D1 (5).jpgweek 4 D1 (4).jpgweek 4 D1 (3).jpg