Help and support for a newbie please.

Hey guys 1st time growing here growing in a very small space but besides that i have been doing a lot of reading about clones that suggests that the earlier into veg you take the clones improves your plants chance of producing max yeild for that particular plant.
And also alows for a shorter plant if topped early
Is this true?

Secondly i basically got scared and went ahead and snipped my two autojacks for cloning one was 3 weeks old from sprouting and the other 4. I followed all the cloining tips such as making the 45 degree slice in the stem then soak in clonex for 10-20 second then planted in rockwool. I soaked the rockwool 1st, admittedly i used my neut mix nd after i heard i should have just used water.
Was this too early to take clones?

Im just getting set up and i know i dont have everything i need yet. So far i have only spent £35 on seeds everything else i have built or already had lying around then i was lucky enough to get a free baby tent and free remo neuts from someone who no longer needed it. But all advise on things to get/do asap is welcome.

How am i doing?
How are they looking?
Did i fuck up?

I also haven't started ph testing but i know this is important and plan to start. Nd dont watch the thermostat readings the pic are usually taken during rest time or just after speaying and when i was setting up the tent.


Mak'er Grow

Well-Known Member
If your Auto Jacks is an auto plant then you can't do clones...well any clones will be same age as the mother so the limited veg cycle days doesn't stop before it starts to flower and it will/can slow down the growth of the mother while she recuperates/heals.
There are many posts about cloning autos to read through...maybe look into training them instead.
Best of luck and happy growin' :P
Hey guys just a quick update, 5 days later my clones are looking very healthy and have even grown a little bit of new growth and height. No roots in sight under the rock cubes as yet but im not worried as they still look healthy and i know it can take weeks.

Both mother plants are also well and are now starting to grow much faster in the last day or two. Noticeably one plant is moving slower than the other but i know that is due to how i cut the plant not leaving enough leaves on that one.

I have now hit my first hurdle and would like to remedy it as soon as. I have noticed a few orange/brown spots appear on the edges and tips of one of my mother plants.
I think this has happened due to using an old neut mix because i had mad too much 2 weeks before and continued using that same mix on 1 plant whilst making new mix for the smaller plant each time.

Ill attach a pic of all the neuts i have to hand and also and pics of the deficiency.

Can anyone tell me what deficiency she is experiencing and also whats needed to remedy it.



Well-Known Member
Just my two sense.
First. Clear containers are a no no. Let’s light in the sides which isn’t good for roots and those ribs on the container will make it harder to remove when you want to re pot. Use proper pots
Second. Don’t feed until there’s roots.
Third. Don’t keep nutrients that have already been mixed up past a day.
Just my observation

the white on the leaves looks like mildew. Hope it’s not. But looks like it from the photo
Just my two sense.
First. Clear containers are a no no. Let’s light in the sides which isn’t good for roots and those ribs on the container will make it harder to remove when you want to re pot. Use proper pots
Second. Don’t feed until there’s roots.
Third. Don’t keep nutrients that have already been mixed up past a day.
Just my observation

the white on the leaves looks like mildew. Hope it’s not. But looks like it from the photo
Ok i didnt know about the containers ill sort that out asap although they do have long healthy roots appearing around the bottle.

the white stuff on the leaves isnt mildew thats dried up calcium from something o sprayed them with(used too much) but is to be expected according to the packaging.

My concerns are withe whe brown/orange tips that have just started forming on some of the older leaves.

I feel it may be a cal/mag deficiency but i wanted some advice as im totally new to all this and i could be totally wrong.
Could it be due to the light getting to the roots?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn’t use any product foliar to a strength that makes a white layer like that on the leaves. It maybe that your using too much product both on leaves and roots and there’s reactions. These plants are still very small and require little additives at this time.

Spray and wipe the leaves. Up your heat if you can. 23 is still cold. And water only for a week or two until you see the plant really improve.


Well-Known Member
Roots will want to retract from light but there are roots still in dark and your plants rootzone is pretty small right now so the clear container is not the problem right now. Just something to consider with that plant getting bigger.

You can cover the containers with something to prevent the light for now. You’ll want to avoid the stress of replanting at this time.


Well-Known Member
I bought 5 seed but 1 didnt germinate and 2 didnt make it past seedlings so i was left with two i wanted atleast 4 plants so i decided to try my luck with clones. Btw that plants 4 weeks and 3 days old. It had its to removed
You know that cloned autos will be on the same timeline as the mother plant, right? Which in turn makes it counter productive to clone them. Next time you would be much better off to just LST your plants to even out your canopy and get multiple colas per plant. Keeps em short, stocky, and bushy.
You know that cloned autos will be on the same timeline as the mother plant, right? Which in turn makes it counter productive to clone them. Next time you would be much better off to just LST your plants to even out your canopy and get multiple colas per plant. Keeps em short, stocky, and bushy.
Yeah cheers i have since heard this but for me its too late now. Ill keep all my progress posted. Hopefully my yield isnt too pathetic. Having a great time none the less


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you learned a lot already since joining RIU. Keep reading, learn as much as you can. Combine that with what you learn as you grow, and in no time you will be an experienced grower. You'll probably even come onto the forum and help guide other newcomers in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you learned a lot already since joining RIU. Keep reading, learn as much as you can. Combine that with what you learn as you grow, and in no time you will be an experienced grower. You'll probably even come onto the forum and help guide other newcomers in the right direction.
Thank you man! I am a pretty avid gardener, so I already have a base knowledge of gardening which is immensely helpful, but as I’m sure you know, cannabis is demanding unlike a lot of other plants, and each strain can be widely different. I did a ton of research and reading before I started my first grow.

Right now I’m in week 9 from seed on my first ever grow (all autoflowers) and so far the buds look stunning. I’m anxiously awaiting chop day!!

Happy growing brother! :bigjoint::mrgreen:


Ok so i repotted all my girls now into their final pots last night as the two plants i had from seedlings started wilting on most leaves over the last 3 days. I could see that the soil at the bottom of the containers were not ever drying out properly as the holes i put in them were with a knife and wasnt letting enough water out and air in.

I plan to let the moisture dry out in the back two before feeding again and i have only top fed the the cuttings with my spray bottle last night.

For those interested it 6-7 days for single roots to appear out the base of the clones and after 10 days there was 8+ on all

