Help! Ants!


Active Member
Well, just got home from work and noticed a couple big black ants. Went to move my still more than half full bag of Happy Frog and omg ants everywhere! Big black ones. must have stomped out about 30 or 40 of the bastards. is there anything I can do to get rid of them or do I toss the friggin bag like right now?


Well-Known Member
Dump the bag out in the driveway and then put something more attractive to the ants next to the soil. Scoop your soil back up once the ants have moved on.


food grade diatomaceous earth. sprinkle it all around wherever they show up. I use it regularly and am able to eliminate them easily. My mom said she used it and it didn't work on their ants up there in reno. Maybe they are resistant to it?

anyway, it's supposed to dry out their exoskeleton.