Help anyone? ;D

Alright, So this is going to be my first grow. I searched the woods for a little bit, and wound up finding this great spot. It's secluded in the woods, but it was the only spot in the woods that had a clearing. I dug up some of the soil there, and it was really nice rich, moist dirt. So I planted my seeds, and watered the area. Should I of bought potting soil instead? or should it still sprout? The soil was really moist and rich, and we hadn't had rain in days, so that's good i guess. Let me know what you think. I'm trying to do a natural grow for my first, without using many bought items. Lemme know ;)


get or make some compost tea, that will help it receive natural nutrients already in the ground & its cheap as hell to make.


Active Member
Alright, So this is going to be my first grow. I searched the woods for a little bit, and wound up finding this great spot. It's secluded in the woods, but it was the only spot in the woods that had a clearing. I dug up some of the soil there, and it was really nice rich, moist dirt. So I planted my seeds, and watered the area. Should I of bought potting soil instead? or should it still sprout? The soil was really moist and rich, and we hadn't had rain in days, so that's good i guess. Let me know what you think. I'm trying to do a natural grow for my first, without using many bought items. Lemme know ;)
I made the mistake of planting outdoors once in soil that was very moist after a long period without rain, when it did rain, the soil became too wet and I lost a bunch of plants, and had to dig up the other in that area and transplant them somewhere dryer to save them. So be careful the soil doesnt hold too much moisture, cause it can kill the plants


Well-Known Member
Yes there is such a thing as too moist just like peacenikchick said, if it holds too much moisture you could be down shit creek without a paddle if it rains heavy...there might be a high water table there to begin with so id watch out. I always used to use a half of bag of black dirt and a half a bag of manure and the hole should be about 1.5ft across x 1.5ft deep and that ratio of soil will fill the hole almost perfect. Ive always had great success with that...but there is a product called pro mix and a lot of my buddies use it, its a combination of perlite, peat moss, dirt and some other stuff...the stuff works perfect its a super good combination. So who knows you might be able to get that seed to sprout, but from now on dig your holes and use soil. That way it will give the fresh roots time to establish themselves in ideal soil...this way by time they get big enough to start growing into the natural soil they will be strong enough to withstand either hard ground, fluctuations of water etc.