HELP ANYONE! (My Dream is turnin into a nightmare)

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Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me why My Blue Dream looks so weird ?

Does this look normal to anybody? My 1st time Growing BLUE DREAM & Im using: 1CFL 42W bulbs / Miracle Grow potting Soil / a lil bit of Thrive Alive / & I've been growing it for 1 wk now - Take @ the pics & tell me what i need to do to save it.

Also How long should i Vegg & Should i use (nutes) ?


Well-Known Member
wow.. for a 1 week old? why don't you tell me how YOU did it, apparently I have alot to learn.


Well-Known Member
hey, don't sweat it. they look good to me. make sure you're water is ph'ed and be careful not to over nute!! 3X check the nute amounts, trust me, PH and nutes are the devil and the savior at the same time!


Well-Known Member
phh-u fool.plant is ok, nice.

keep up the good work...

Ph h U ... U you fool... ha ha.. take that!

But hey, don't scoff at PH my friend, I hate PH.. that frigger almost took all my little ones because of a faulty PH testor!!