Help asap!! My seedlings are bending over (picts)


Active Member
Ok, so I am on the 5th day or so of seedlings. I just checked on them and 4 of the five look fine, but the one is drooping over. Is it lack of water or what? I misted the top of the soil lightly on friday morning, but that is all. Whats should I do...I NEED HELP ASAP GUYS!!! Thanks! See pictures


Well-Known Member
You're growing in a cup for now? buy a miniature pot from a garden store and use that, they have drainage holes.

Make sure you have sufficient light too, and don't use incandescent bulbs for that thing, use some CFL's or HPS.


Active Member
No, they are in cups that have holes drilled in the bottom all around so I have plenty of drainage. I am using (2) gro-lux flourescent bulbs right now about 3inches from tops of plants. Should I add more now? Would you add two more flourescents or a couple cfls? Also, I have just been misting the top of the soil? Should I be watering them to the point I get runnoff from cup at bottom? I hear so many different points of view about watering at this small. Thanks guys!


New Member
Sometimes these things just happen. If you watered the medium real good and it dont help toss the plant and lose no sleep.


Active Member
Ok, WTF....I just checked the plants after watering them earlier and now there is a total of three plants laying over. I went ahead and also brought the light a bit closer. HELP!!!!


Well-Known Member
What is the PH of the soil? Are there any nutrients or fertilizers in the soil? They might be over-watered, seedlings don't like too much stagnant water. They also don't any nutrients in the soil (they will die from nutrient burn).


Active Member
No, the plants dont even look like they have that much water, but I have watered them. I haven't added any nutes yet, they are only about a week old. As for the PH, I am not sure, I have tested my water and its around 7.3 though.


Well-Known Member
stop getting water on the leaves all together. touch the soil first, if you feel any moisture what so ever don't water any more. don't add any additional weight (water) to the leaves because it is probably weighing them down way too much


Active Member
At about the stage you are at, I had to use two tooth pics taped together (more length) for stakes to prop them up. I just let the plant lean against them. Three days later they were fine. I wasn't misting, just watering every few days, maybe 4 oz. Just enough to come out the drain holes.


Active Member
if i were you i think i would ease up on the water - let the water in the soil dry up a little. it could just be over watered-i know that i was over watering my plants after the first week or so and they were getting very droopy. so i would let the soil dry up a little more. also i would get some ph down and lower your ph between 6.8 to 6.2 and water with that - you can get ph down at home depot out at the garden section with the pool stuff (or at least i could)-also i couldnt tell if you had any, but it may be a good idea to add some perlite to your mix to help the drainage.

also what kind of soil are you using
Are you using tap water or what?
whats the temp?

i hope it works out bud-ive run into a few problems with my plants too so keep us posted on how it goes


Active Member
Ok everyone good and bad news. I lost three plants BUT saved the others I think.... It was not enough watering, I went with my gut feeling lastnight and gave them water sure enough, they perked right up. I am going to germ a few more seeds this sunday and try again...ill post pictures then. Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
dude clearly your not watering enough...soil should be very moist at all times..but not waterlogged