help Auto seeds ultra lemon haze.


Well-Known Member
How long under 1000 watt hps should flower take. Iv read the seed banks info but need a growers help.Thank you. Ps whats a good auto that grows fast but still good bud.I just got buddah seed purple kush auto need something nice next door.

diet coke

Active Member
Just pick a good strain you like veg for 2 weeks and put into flower mode. Should be very similar to an auto in size.


Well-Known Member
I need some info from experience about autos ultra lemon haze flower time and results.please and thanks.


Well-Known Member
just assume it will take a few weeks longer then breeder calls for if you go by tric's/ fan leaves yellowing fully
breeder time is just smokable product not really the quality of it


Yep. 10-11wks. Nice article somewhere in here about auto life cycle. Look into it. Its a nice schedule to go by.


Well-Known Member
Just do a search here for ULH. There's a guy who did two separate grows all the way thru.