help auto won't flower


Well-Known Member
Hi guy iam growing 4 nl autos 3 of the 4 r fully budding but one has show sex shit pistils just dont seem to wanna realky bud its been kike this for 2 weeks while the others boom with bud iam thinkin of turning them alk to 12/12 or u think thats a bad idea?


Hi guy iam growing 4 nl autos 3 of the 4 r fully budding but one has show sex shit pistils just dont seem to wanna realky bud its been kike this for 2 weeks while the others boom with bud iam thinkin of turning them alk to 12/12 or u think thats a bad idea?
I can't help you with your dilema, however, maybe you can explain your particular setup and perhaps a picture if that's your thing. What type of light cycle are you on? My reading would indicate that you can have autos on 12/12, 18/6/, 24/0 or whatever else you might think of, hence auto(automatic!). Hope you discover the problem.


Well-Known Member
I can't help you with your dilema, however, maybe you can explain your particular setup and perhaps a picture if that's your thing. What type of light cycle are you on? My reading would indicate that you can have autos on 12/12, 18/6/, 24/0 or whatever else you might think of, hence auto(automatic!). Hope you discover the problem.
Thanks man I have em on 20/4 atm hps 400w iam top feeding system pot get flooded from the top for 15minz a day and drain back to my res I got em in soil perlite 50/50 mix 1 plant is mass producing bud 1 has stretched like a bitch and is going ok 1 is flowering good but seems to have kinda really slowed its bud production and 1 has show she a girl but dont wanna seem to do anymore then that its frustrating


Well-Known Member
I know its a pain but can you shorten the light on her to induce her to start? Perhaps and i know shit about them, you got a more photo pheno? I do know from research that auto's will suffer at 12/12 so try to keep the others going full out.


Well-Known Member
I know its a pain but can you shorten the light on her to induce her to start? Perhaps and i know shit about them, you got a more photo pheno? I do know from research that auto's will suffer at 12/12 so try to keep the others going full out.
Ive thought of this also dida bit reaseach today and hard to find info on switchin autos on 12/12 once they have veged every say nono yto 12 12 from the start but I didnt begin on 12 12 ive come to this conclusion iam taking the offending bitch outa my grow room and gonna put out side its winter here so it 12 12 about outside I dint wanna lessen my yiel of other 3 they r absolutely boomin iam thing 10 oz off the 3 there that good


Active Member
Autos do not have a normal photoperiod response. The respond to the amount of light - Photon *Hours received. A true autoflower will just grow slower at 12/12. I believe the 18/6 veg style cycle is optimum and come from the school were plants need a tiny bit of sleep. In theory, a 12/12 will go into flower much slower than an 18/6 light cycle.


Well-Known Member
Autos do not have a normal photoperiod response. The respond to the amount of light - Photon *Hours received. A true autoflower will just grow slower at 12/12. I believe the 18/6 veg style cycle is optimum and come from the school were plants need a tiny bit of sleep. In theory, a 12/12 will go into flower much slower than an 18/6 light cycle.
This is quite common info the prob is I dont think 1 is a true auto or it should have buds by now


Well-Known Member
My very first "auto" was a kanabia mataro blue. It was marketed as an auto but needed 12-14 hrs to flower. I believe they still sell it lol. I waited and waited lol. Finally contacted Pato (owner) and found out the auto gene was recessive. Good luck, but ya that sounds like a plan!


Well-Known Member
Mine are doing shit so I may bring a few in to the lights. Hoping they like T5's cause thats all their getting due ti heat.


Well-Known Member
hey not put your autos on 12/12 light shcedule..your yeil will be crap mate.20/4 is the best for them...2 gallon pots is all you need to get the best out of autos..if you can give just that 1 12 hours till its flowering properly and put it back in with the other 3 it should flower away on 20/4...personally i would bin it and focus on the other 3,,happy growing