Help! Best way to heal nutrient burned plants??

Hey guys,

So I believe my plants are severely nutrient burned. I added too much nutrients to both the feeding mixture and foliar spray. They are about 4 weeks into bloom and the bud leaves looked wilted and yellow. This all seemed to happen in a matter of days which makes me think the spray wasn't evaporating and the lights were to close burning the foliar and the plant it self.

I recently fixed the light issue and flushed both plants, does anyone have an idea of what else I could do???. Right now i'm just giving them water

I'll try to find a decent camera so I can post some pics.


Active Member
replace your nute solution with pure ph'd water for 2-3 days then dump that and start them on 1/4 - 1/2 strength nutes and work up slowly.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks, ill give that a try. Do you think they can still bounce back?
those buds look awfully big for 4 weeks? are you sure those are 4 weeks flowering?? Anyways once you have nute burn they will not "repair" themselves. Focus on new growth. I would give them a light flush. About 4-5 gallons of water will do. STOP USING CHEMICAL NUTES....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The problem is too much nitrogen btw. clawing leaves is a prime example of this.. It will stunt bud growth so deal with it a.s.a.p.


Well-Known Member
replace your nute solution with pure ph'd water for 2-3 days then dump that and start them on 1/4 - 1/2 strength nutes and work up slowly.
this guys got it partially right... Flush each plant with 5 gallons of ph tested water.. buy some new nutrients and slowly work them into watering... #1 rookie mistake is too much nutes.. dont worry I did it myself.. just be patient and dont do ANYTHING for AT LEAST 4-5 days after flushing
Thanks for the responses, I still have a few questions.
Any recommendations on new nutes also will that fix my nitrogen problem?
And they are about 4 weeks in, should I just leave the burned and wilted buds on the plant then?


Well-Known Member
if the leaf set is more 50% than dead prune it. you dont have a lack of nitrogen problem.. you have an excess of nitrogen problem


Well-Known Member
any organic nutes will be fine. I use a combo of botanicares line, fox farms line, and earth juice line. Come to my journal "the Fab 5" below if you want more help


Active Member
be careful flushing might cause more nutes to be released in the soil so i would just give the ph'd water for 3 days. good luck.


Active Member

  • be careful flushing might cause more nutes to be released in the soil so i would just give the ph'd water for 3 days. good luck.​


Hemp Hugger

New Member
I have flushed mine twice in two weeks but the damn thing isn't doing any better even new growth is still showing burn what do I do

Hemp Hugger

New Member
Didnt check the date on the thread and I was talking about the nute burn on my babies just as it says and I flushed it twice and was wondering what else to do