Help broken bong!!


ok so this was my quad perc bong

as you can see this is no cheap piece of glass 500$ so my mom said omg thats the nicest bong ive ever seen can i hit that well i guess i hand her the bong she sits down and proceeds to hit it i go to the kitchen next thing i hear crash and "oh shit" i come up stairs to see all my percs laying on the floor my bong in 3 pieces and my mom trying to salvage her weed befor it got wet.:wall: i aske her wtf happened and she said oh it slipped im so sorry. so i told her she had to pay me for it (i live on my own and support myself) and she asked me if i could take a check well no shit i can take a check go to the bank and the check bounces so she said oh well that doesnt make since and told me she'd call me later wtf do i do??!!??:wall:


Well-Known Member's ur mom...wait for her to pay for it...or buy a new one out of your own pocket and just tell her to forget about it.


shes my mom and she prolly will pay for it i just dont wan2 wait oh well i got 2 new bongs and a volcano coming in the mail!


i dont give a fuck if she is my mom i moved out when i was 16 and paid her 25 grand i dont owe her so its basically the same as if a friend had broken it and i did epoxy it it looks like shit but still hits alright


Well-Known Member
yea i mean maybe you should break her legs.....Its your mom suck up your loss.
LOL maybe :twisted:

i dont give a fuck if she is my mom i moved out when i was 16 and paid her 25 grand i dont owe her so its basically the same as if a friend had broken it and i did epoxy it it looks like shit but still hits alright
That bong was so beautiful, now I bet it looks all frankinstiened out with that epoxy :cry:

At least you have new stuff on the way :grin: If you can I'd say just wait for your mom to pay you back. If you don't want to wait and you can afford it, replace it and then you can at least enjoy your new one while you wait for her to pay you back.


Active Member
i had a nice glass piece too. what i did was go to a craft store and look for glue thats water proof, strong and clear. i think it was for repairing flower vases. i fixed it all up and its been workin great for 3 years now. good luck man


Well is your mom a reliable person? If she is just wait it out
Thats why its always good to have a back up bong
hahahaha i do i got 12 bongs all 200$ and up so im set with the back up and i got a few vapes so im good soo much more pissed off because she tried to pay me back in meth lol i told her i only smoke herb drope acid and pop shrooms shes so un reliable:wall:


for every dollar you spent on the bong, you should beat her


Well-Known Member
WTF? Your mom tried to give her son meth?sorry, but if that was my mom I would of slapped the shit out of her and put her in rehab.