Help, brown dead tips 7 weeks flowering


Here is the plant i am having an issues with073.jpg075.jpg078.jpg

both plants get the same nutes and use the same soil
FFOF mixed with perlite, worm castings, lime, blood and bone meal
ff big bloom, atami bloombastic nutes
very good airflow
water ph is between 6 and 7, closer to in color to 6 (test strips)
temps were very high for the first 5 weeks of flower 95-100F
I fixed temp problem around week 5 temps are now 80-85F
switched to 12/12 JAN 1, so we are at day 55~

This is plant 2 and i think it looks good

both are bagseed, most likely mexi gastank reggie strain (as in smuggled inside one) any idea when they should finish up?, I have a microsope coming in the mail so I can get some close ups of tricromes.


Plant 2:
I am not an expert but from what you describe and from the pictures provided of plant 2, I'd say it's a combination of lack of Nitrogen (common during late flowering for some) combined with the stress of heat on those leaves (browning) over time.

I'd trim the mostly yellow/brown leaves off along with adding some Grow Big (1-2tsp per gallon) next feed.

Plant 1:
Looks like overfeeding and heat stress. Trim off as many of the bad leaves as you can. Use just water.

Just cause they are from the same company/package/family, doesn't mean they react the same to their environment, each plant is unique. This one seems more sensitive to the heat an neuts.


Well-Known Member
i would cut back on nutes. try to get temps down and feed em molassas n ph'd water from here on... 4 sure get the dead crispy leafs off , i would guess 2.5 weeks til harvest


Well-Known Member
If you have it around (you probably should anyways) I would give them a little superthrive as well to help ameliorate the stress their under. Take this with a grain of salt as b1 is primarily a root stimulator and I doubt that the plant is concentrating on the roots at this point but in the past I have seen it help plants bounce back from stress. Definitely flush and ph though.