Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts


Active Member
I'm not sure how big of a problem this is, but I want to make sure I fix it! My water runoff on last watering was 6.2. I let the soil completely dry before watering... and the soil I'm using is B'cuzz Hydro HP (think it's an equivalent of promix?). I don't think it has any nutes in it. But it does say it has "starter nutrition - macro/micro nutrients". Also, my light is a 400w CMH and right now is 33" away from the tops. I have been lowering the light about 2" a day.

Basically, I'm not really sure if the problem is something with the soil or a gnat problem? I did see some gnats in 1-2 of the sprouts. Also, the spots are only showing on 2 of the plants. The others don't seem to have the issue.

I was thinking to get some diatomaceous earth to put on top for gnats, but again...I'm not sure if the gnats are a problem or not. I haven't seen any gnats in a couple days either since I cleaned out the room.

Any thoughts? Gnats? CMH light too close? Bad soil?

thanks all...



Well-Known Member
ok i have this same problem i think its slight nute burn but not 100%, goin with nute burn is working for me. i have been water with no nutes for like 2 weeks and the problem is almost gone. they used to look like the pic below then new leafs look better, like yours, now almost good



Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6431388 said:
ok i have this same problem i think its slight nute burn but not 100%, goin with nute burn is working for me. i have been water with no nutes for like 2 weeks and the problem is almost gone
I haven't given any nutes at all though and only use distilled water.... here is a profile of the soil I'm using:

  • Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss (70% by volume)
  • Perlite – Premium Horticultural Coarse Grade (30% by volume)
  • Starter Nutrition – Macronutrients & Micronutrients
  • pH Adjuster – Gypsum & Dolomitic Limestone
  • Wetting Agent
thanks again!!


Active Member
Can someone help? I want to move the light down some today if the light isn't too close!

Also, I need to water tonight... so I'm waiting on replies to see if there's something I should do differently


Man that just looks like a minor nute burn.. prollly from the nutes in the soil..
The leaves look nice and green xcept for that one lil tip. the new growth looks healthy.
I would just give her a good watering.


Active Member
Man that just looks like a minor nute burn.. prollly from the nutes in the soil..
The leaves look nice and green xcept for that one lil tip. the new growth looks healthy.
I would just give her a good watering.
Ok thanks man for the response... so you think drop the lights another 1-2" is ok then? I'll drop lights and monitor to see if I see anything wrong from there


Alil more info would help .. Whats the temps like ?? what is the ph of the water your using to water ?? and RH ??


80f is getting a lil on the warm side.. Moving the light closer will make it warmer.. Do you have a fan running ?? Can you add one ??


Active Member blows continuously on the tops of plants...i had the temp in the room at 70" with door open (a big bedroom), and temps are 10 degrees hotter in the tent. I don't really understand why temps so much higher in tent?


Well-Known Member
My lil one's had the same thing.I thingk it was nute burn from water and soil splashing up when they first got watered. All mine seem to be doing great and growing fast


Active Member
do you have a vent at the top of the tent?? Try pointing the fan up at the light
My light is an air cooled 400w CMH. They are supposed to run cooler than HPS, but why my temps go an extra 10 degrees just from the light... It is attached to a 450cfm fan which sucks the air through the light. On my tent I have the side vent open with a fan blowing fresh room air in.


Active Member
whey i got that on my strawberry leaves yeah its nute burn i did 2 days mg bad idea
I haven't given any nutes though... I can't seem to find any info on B'cuzz HydroHP soil other than it supposedly being good and similar to sunshine mix or promix. So unless my soil has nutes (ingredients posted on previous page), than there are no nutes at all involved.

Can gnats make the leaves look like that?? Because I saw some gnats before, but don't see them anymore


Id just leave the light where its at for now and watch for stretching.. If it stretches to much move the light closer and add another fan..


Active Member
Id just leave the light where its at for now and watch for stretching.. If it stretches to much move the light closer and add another fan..
Thanks for the suggestions Hellrick. You got me curious now... I'm trying to figure out why temps are so much higher in tent with an air cooled 400w light. How much higher should temps be inside the temp from ambient room temp?

Could the ballast inside the tent on the floor be enough to brings temps up??