Help! Brown spots on 2 weeks plant


Active Member
I show today some small brown spots on the lower leafs of my SLH baby..
Its 2 weeks old from seeding on a hyrdo drip system with cfl lights (for the moment).my ph its 5.8 ..
Is it an N deficiency or something else?
I ts my first grow on hydro and i would really appreciate an answer..
ThankS in advanse!!


Active Member
PLS Guys!!! anyone??? The problem its getting bigger...ill post some new pics in some hours...but is there anyone who have face the same problem or have any clue what are this brown spots on my palnt?


Active Member
yes its one leaf for now ..but its getting its one more pic after almsot 10 hours from the first one


Active Member
i found this pic in guide and i think the problem looks like mine...this one is from a nute burn..but im not sure if its exactly the same..



Active Member
When i show the spots on my leaf i was using 1/2 of nutes that the nutes manual suggest. yesterday i changed my tank water and i and i have used full nutes..You think it is bad for my plant? do u think i should go back to 1/2 or 2/4 nutes after that small nute burn ?


Active Member
man that nothing compared to problems i got with my leaves, your obsessing over nothing. just let it grow out some, those original leaves will die anyway. focus on the "new" growth if your seeing the same thing then, thers something to be concerned about. I have a plant that started out with a narled leaf, and now its one of my more healthier looking plants.


Active Member
Plans after 29 days...It was some deficiency after all..I have changed the tank solution with full bio grow and bio heaven (1ml per litre ) ..and they started grow fast again..
