HELP BUbble bucket question


Well-Known Member
I made a little hydro bucket thing and I have a aquestion. First off my plant is dutch passion blueberry feminized. Its about a foot tall and about a week into flower. My setup is a 2 gallon bucket, I have a pump in the bucket and a six inch bubbler. I have a hole cut into the top of the bucker cap to fit a netpot. In the the net pot I have rockwool with tons of roots, the water is half way up the bucket. Roots are totally hanging into the bubble solution. I know thats ok the question I have now is, I have the hose coming from the pump, directly into the middle of the net pot, under the lid. This water is hitting directly on roots now, constantly. Is this going to cause root rot? should I take off the direct water to the netpot alltogether because the roots are already in the water? I know the plant is healthy but I dont want it to get like root rot in the finall three weeks or something.
one 400watt hps light. So please help me out with this.


Well-Known Member
paint yor bucket so no light gets in thats abot all ud hafta worry about causing root rot with the system as long as there is lotsa air getting at your roots from the air pump the amount of water isnt a prob