

Active Member
my plants have been taken over by what looks to be gnats an suggestions on how to kill these things would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Those must be white flies or Asphits or what ever the hell these bothersom, plant killing, bottomfeeding, assholes are called... Get you some Neem oil and some sticky traps. They will be gone in a few weeks if the aint so bad. If they are bad they are VERY hard to get rid of. Treat the plant with 1 tblsp. of Neem oil to one gallon of water, spray plant liberally making sure to get the underbelly of each and every leaf, you should use the least amount as possible, but make sure you get every inch. Do this once a week till you feel they are gone. You can also continue weekly to ensure they dont come back...

Hope this helps and i hope you kill EACH AND EVERYONE... Good Growing!!!


Active Member
can i buy that from walmart or home depot.i noticed them a few days ago but just killed the ones i seen didnt realie it but its gotten pretty bad there all around the bottom and my plants leaves are getting really droopy i think there dying.


Well-Known Member
Yes, i think i have seen it there, if not you may need to try a Nursery or something. This stuff really took them out. I got a q-tip and went under each and leaf and scrubbed their larvas off. Using a different tip every leaf. The yellow fly traps catche the flying ones. I havent had a problem since (crossing finger, i think i may treat them for the heck of it this weekend)


Well-Known Member
Find some ladybugs and turn them loose in your grow area ...or try some hanging fly paper this will help