HELP! cannabis problem. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give either of these articles much credit.
but marijuana is the most dangerous illegal drug in our nation. The reasons for this conclusion are many. First is that marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in America. Almost 2 million persons began using marijuana last year in the United States, and marijuana use starts at a younger age than most other illicit drugs.

none of these are reasons for it being the most dangerous illegal drug in our nation

and btw, I would have thought we'd be able to breed THC levels a bit higher in a 40 year span ;) No shit it's more potent today, That's what we're aiming for!

marijuana will turn your kid into a gangbanger. No, rap music will make your kid a gangbanger. No, Video games will make your kid a murderer.

Come on, Do they really think we're just a blank empty canvas?

Thanks for the chuckle. I can't believe all this bullshit propaganda still exists.


Well-Known Member
right. its funny how out of proportion cannabis is talked about when its just a plant. honestly i feel like marijuana prohibition causes most of that. not marijuana its self.


Well-Known Member
This controversy is so old and retarded I can't stand it. It's annoying talking about it anymore honestly. The longer marijuana is illegal, the more this country suffers. It's just costing us billions of dollars which could be better used elsewhere. I mean damn, our grade schools are suffering. The high school by my house doesn't even provide school buses for the students. Textbooks that are ungodly out dated. Our education is our future and right now it doesn't seem like that's 'our' priority.

But this goes much deeper than marijuana. All drugs should in fact be legal. It's proven over and over that prohibition only creates a worse situation. Personally I don't give a rats a$$ if someone wants to stick a needle in their arm and overdose. That's their choice. Plus if these harmful drugs are legal, it would most likely take away the dollar value and the luster of it. Eventually decreasing the amount of users and violent crimes related to those drugs. Not to me to mention the amount of money we spend imprisoning drug users. We need to be arresting rapest, murderers, blue collar criminals, and politicians !!!

Ok I'm done


Well-Known Member
well said my friend.

i definitely get what your saying about schools but at the same time we should be less dependent on school systems and more dependent on families. education is a necessity but you dont need the best of the best to learn. i found out last year the the school i had gone to was having a paper drive because they had run out of budget but 3 months earlier they had payed thousands to put a plastic sign outside every teachers room with the teachers name and photo on it. what aver happened to using 3a or 2c as a room code systems? im sure students have drawn glasses and mustaches on all the photos by now. most places have the money. they just dont budget it properly.

if you want to kill a weed attack the roots. we need to stop lobbyist. if we could take lobbyist out of the picture or politicians could focus on actually benefiting society instead of swaying their vote to collect $. it would solve almost all of our issues. problems are what politician is going to stop lobbyist when they profit hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly. lets say we start imprisoning lobbyist, you know cutting the roots out from under the weed. it all sounds good but we all know some greedy ass hole is going to pick up the plant we just cut in half and clone a bunch of cutting from it. then your stuck with the same problem with a new face. presidents are voted every 4 years but congress is voted every 6. the same greedy congress men can corrupt the new president. i read somewhere that there are over a hundred lobbyist for every one politician. with those numbers at least one lobbyist is bound to get their way.