help!!!!! cant figure out wat problem my baby has first timer !!!!!

hey im new to the fourum i was jus wondering wat the matter is with my 2week and 3day old seedlings ive included pics aswell any adive would b much appreciated plz guys this is a great forum and im sure will help me. there is a slight yellowing prob with the first true set of leaves as ive said im a novice and cant put my finger on the problem at hand peace and love . i have a wardrobe grow and a 200watt cfl blue spectrum i dnt know if its overwartering underwartering heat burn or if it is transplant shock frm when i transplanted them about 4 days ago into jhon innes number 2 soil from jhon innes number 1 seedling soil i have feed them no nutes and warter them 1 maybe 2 times a week but soil dose hold moisture for pretty long time so tend not to warter them to often any advice would b great thanks guys :)2011-03-03 11.34.40.jpg2011-03-03 11.31.06.jpg2011-03-03 11.34.55.jpg2011-03-03 11.30.58.jpg:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
First check your soil pH. Next, feed them a nutrient ratio close to 3-2-2, properly pH'd. Always wait for at least the top third of the soil to become bone dry before watering again.
thank u mothers finest :) do u still think its gunna b ok? wat is the problem is it just a nute diffency or have i shocked it badly during the transplant ? i have nute feeder witch is 7-7-7 ? is that ok to feed it with as i have said im completly new to this and trying to learn and recover frm my mistakes lol cheers man


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
If the soil pH is ok, go straight to feeding. While we can't say much for certain about your fertilizer, it at least seems to have all three macronutrients. Give it a try.


Well-Known Member
They look fine to me, as for ph don't worry about it at this stage. Thats not ph causing this. Those leaves always go shitty. I never feed mine untill they are in there 3 gallon containers. Normally when they reach 6 inchs. Hope this helps. PS whats your watering schedule
cheers guys well my warteing schedule i dnt really have one i jus wait till i c the soil is dry then give them a good dose of warter then wait again till soil is dry ect ect i can see that its spreding to one of the other leaves now its here is an up to date pic i feed it nutes and i fear its made it worse im to sure wat to do :(2011-03-04 11.15.22.jpg2011-03-04 11.15.00.jpg

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Give it until the soil dries again. Plants aren't as lively right after watering. It'll perk up.

Be sure to check the pH of your fertilizer solution when you feed them, unless you've checked it before and know what the pH of that particular mix is.