Help choose the next fake scandal

what should the next fake scandal be?


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So I take it you must be angry as hell nobody went to prison for lieing to the world and dragged us into two calamitous wars right?
I'm mad about both, I find it disturbing that both parties in America excuse the criminal behavior of their leaders. Not a good thing for the country. Is clintons crime as serious, hell no! It deserved at least a slap on the wrist though.

I want Bush Cheney and Clinton is cells facing each other. I'd let Clinton out after November.
I'm mad about both, I find it disturbing that both parties in America excuse the criminal behavior of their leaders. Not a good thing for the country. Is clintons crime as serious, hell no! It deserved at least a slap on the wrist though.

I want Bush Cheney and Clinton is cells facing each other. I'd let Clinton out after November.

oh, i see the problem. you are not objective. you have your own silly little interpretation of reality that you delude yourself with, and you use confirmation bias to make sure that no actual facts penetrate your delusional little bubble.

hence why you think clinton belongs in jail, despite all the evidence to the contrary saying she didn't even do anything worth trying her for.

poor little socko.
oh, i see the problem. you are not objective. you have your own silly little interpretation of reality that you delude yourself with, and you use confirmation bias to make sure that no actual facts penetrate your delusional little bubble.

hence why you think clinton belongs in jail, despite all the evidence to the contrary saying she didn't even do anything worth trying her for.

poor little socko.
So Clinton couldn't have committed crimes because, she wasn't charged? That's your assertion? Did bush commit any crimes? He was never charged either.

I think they both committed crimes, maybe you have more faith in the attorney generals than I do.

Here's what happens to people not named Clinton when they do even less.
So Clinton couldn't have committed crimes because, she wasn't charged? That's your assertion? Did bush commit any crimes? He was never charged either.

I think they both committed crimes, maybe you have more faith in the attorney generals than I do.

Here's what happens to people not named Clinton when they do even less.

was there ever any investigation involving 1500 FBI agents into the bush administration? after all, those guys deleted a shit ton more emails.

no, and you never cried about it, ever. not in your previous sock puppet account and not in this one.

your posting is transparent, your attenmpts are flimsy and feeble, and your penis is tiny.
was there ever any investigation involving 1500 FBI agents into the bush administration? after all, those guys deleted a shit ton more emails.

no, and you never cried about it, ever. not in your previous sock puppet account and not in this one.

your posting is transparent, your attenmpts are flimsy and feeble, and your penis is tiny.
Lol there was never 1500 FBI agents that ever worked on one case ever. Even 911 didn't get that many. She had a few dozen, the FBI didn't have many agents with the clearance to read the top secret stuff in her email.

It's not deleting them, although interfering with an investigation is a separate charge. It's sending classified info on a non-secure system. She's dead to rights on that. Her only excuse is that she possibly didn't know what classified means lol. She's gonna get investigated for perjury yet too, that's still coming. She lied to congress.

"I handed over all my emails"
"I never sent any classified info"
"It was so I could use one device"
"I had permission from state"

She's a weak candidate, which is why so many people tried to warn you hopeless Clinton fans.
It's sending classified info on a non-secure system. She's dead to rights on that.

when is she going to be indicted for that, socko?

She's gonna get investigated for perjury yet too, that's still coming. She lied to congress.


johnson, the scam artist?

What scams? He has a pretty clean record. Clintons made hundreds of millions giving speeches fo foreign dictators and banks and you call the only guy running against them who was against the wars, "a scam artist?"

The scam to me is getting the democrat party to vote for George bush in a pant suit. That's a scam. Your the rube.