HELP! clone is droopy n dying (LOTS OF PICS)


Active Member
Someone please help! my clone seems to be dying, the new growth seems to be doing ok, but all the fan leaves are drooping and a couple nodes leaves are canoeing. It is only a couple of weeks into vegging and when I got it from my friends house he stupidly had been giving it no nutrients so I've been having trouble easing the nutrients into it, im sure it will pick up a bit once it's properly fed. I've grown the purps before and I know its very tempermental but it's never been this bad before. My temps are around 75-80 degrees, I leave the water out for over 24 hours to neutralize the pH, it's got 3 23 watt CFL's and 1 13 watt CFL. Perhaps there is too much light on it??... someone please help!!



Well-Known Member
I agree looks like to much water

I don't see any drain hole in that pot in your photo (well mostly I'm going by nothing under the pot to catch the runoff?) that could be your problem?


Active Member
I suspected over watering might be the issue, I watered it 2 days in a row( bad idea). there are holes in the bottoms but the soil was packed somewhat tightly. I stopped watering for 3 days and it started drooping more, but in a slightly different way. I assumed that that was now becasue of UNDER watering, so i gave it a light watering and it seems to have slightly improved. Anyone have any other advice? it has helped a bit, but still is not looking too good. and that exlpains the drooping to an extent, but what about the canoeing??thx


Active Member
Actually, I think it looks ok. A few things I always keep in mind when making clones, (1) I use oasis cubes to root in. It's much easier to control the moisture. (2) I ALWAYS put them under a clear plastic "tent". Clones need pretty high humidity. And (3) put those flouro's right on the plant. You can't have too much flourescent light and since they don't give off any substantial heat, you put the bulbs right on the top of the plant. Clones will always sag a little for the first week after you cut them. If it was dying, the leaves would be hanging straight down.