Help!!! Clones seem to be pre flowering only 1 month old.


Active Member
So I got 5 clones on April 3 had them inside under a amazon grow light 600w. After two weeks under the grow light I started to bring them out side during the day (1hr or so under some shade) to harden them. Recently about a week an a half ago I started to put them outside while I went to work so basically they would be out from 7:30-6:00pm (includes the drive back home) I was trying to give them that natural sun light. So the last couple of day I started to notice white hairs on all of them at first I just thought it was normal and they are just letting me know they are female. But then I started to notice what looks like small buds forming on them. I’m not sure if it’s part of the cycle of veg. or are they pre-flowering? And if they are pre-flowering is their a way to revert back to veg or should I just bite the bullet and flowers them small and get new clones while the season is right around the corner? I would have them in a 14.5/9.5 light cycle. Will include pictures. 4FF1FF84-B925-4605-9E39-C7C54AF050C3.jpeg412C89BA-0430-4742-9BD5-7A2D7FC6C7FB.jpegA03AC29F-E35D-45AD-9B96-91D28FC393CF.jpeg7B649E94-2446-46FC-A34F-D51590A495A8.jpeg7CEB784E-9D87-4257-A72E-BCF5F55DDAAF.jpeg



Well-Known Member
Are you putting them back inside under the light when you get home? If not it's likely a bit too early to be outside without supplementing the light, as they are going into flower early. Putting them back under a light for a couple extra hours a day should put them back into Veg i believe. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks for the response winterbones. Yea I would put them back in the house under the light. Not sure if this would make a difference but I may have left them out side for a bit to long would bring them inside 7:00-7:30 but I would give them extra hours of supplemental light. Yea I’m putting them back under the light and going with a 16/ 8 cycle also read about “stressing them back into veg”, not sure if it will work, so I’m going to try it going to bend a couple of branches on all of them and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Definitely flowering.
I had this happen to me last year when I decided to put a few mothers in the garden.
They had been on 18/6 and even though it was about this time of year, they both began flowering.
They formed some nice colas which began to die as the plant revegged.
Lesson learned