help curing

herd lots of ways to cure .on 2nd grow can somone plz give me info on best way to cure my weed

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Well-Known Member
I agree you have to read before posting questions but measuring success against they same techniques isn't for the love of growing it's a sausage factory and that's fine if all you want to do is have nice buds to smoke but if you want to learn knowledge first hand try different techniques and don't knock new ideas because the thread said so.
thats the think read so much what different pll do al do my own way ,thanks


Well-Known Member
It's true though.

Not every plant finishes all at the same time.

Some people dry the whole plant upside, others take branches and hang them up, while some will even put the mugs individually on a drying rack or in a cardboard box.

Some people cure in jars others even use a dehumidifier to help fast cure their buds.

There is no one true and proven way to do anything, even when it comes to drying and curing. The point @RM3 was making is that the best way to learn is to read and do it yourself.

For example your post says six weeks to cure. Well that's good if that is how long you cure. Some only cure for two, some don't at all.

Once again, even the curing process has multiple ways of getting the job done. Suggesting that someone learn on their own isn't utter nonsense it's just common sense.
your right it is common sense but sometimes my cure is going ok the way i want it n thanks for the feed back


Well-Known Member
I agree you have to read before posting questions but measuring success against they same techniques isn't for the love of growing it's a sausage factory and that's fine if all you want to do is have nice buds to smoke but if you want to learn knowledge first hand try different techniques and don't knock new ideas because the thread said so.
thanks for the feed back what your saying i trial n error had 2 errror
Nope, they can't, because what is best way for one doesn't work for all

You need to "find" what works best for you through trial and error
thanks for reply it is all trial n error


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feed back what your saying i trial n error had 2 errror

thanks for reply it is all trial n error
I'm sorry but that is utter nonsense.

Here's a guide to the drying process. Now, i know you're asking about curing, but a good cure comes after a good drying process. that's the key.

View attachment 3663866

Get some large airtight preserving jars with the lever close lids from Ikea. They're cheaper than the Kilner ones. Also, get some cheap hygrometers that fit inside jars.

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Try to get the RH inside the jars to around 60%.

Now, this can be done by various methods, but personally (and there are varying opinions on this) i use 8g Boveda 62 packs at a ratio of one pack per half ounce of material.

View attachment 3663875

Place half ounce in the jar, then a boveda pack, then another half....and so on.

Leave them alone to balance out over 48 hours, only opening the jars once every 24 hours.

After 48 hours, empty the jars, and simply do the same process again, half ounce, boveda etc etc.

Leave them again for 72 hours.

Now your RH should be at about 62%. If not, just leave the boveda packs in a bit longer until you achieve 62% RH.

At this stage, i remove the Boveda packs and store them away. Some people say they can remove taste from the buds over long periods of time so why take the risk? Leave the hygrometers in the jars to monitor the RH.

After 6 weeks you should have fully cured, awesome buds.
thanks you have been the most helpful on here think people forget they where in my shoes at 1 point in time thanks m8


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but that is utter nonsense.

Here's a guide to the drying process. Now, i know you're asking about curing, but a good cure comes after a good drying process. that's the key.

View attachment 3663866

Get some large airtight preserving jars with the lever close lids from Ikea. They're cheaper than the Kilner ones. Also, get some cheap hygrometers that fit inside jars.

View attachment 3663867

View attachment 3663868

Try to get the RH inside the jars to around 60%.

Now, this can be done by various methods, but personally (and there are varying opinions on this) i use 8g Boveda 62 packs at a ratio of one pack per half ounce of material.

View attachment 3663875

Place half ounce in the jar, then a boveda pack, then another half....and so on.

Leave them alone to balance out over 48 hours, only opening the jars once every 24 hours.

After 48 hours, empty the jars, and simply do the same process again, half ounce, boveda etc etc.

Leave them again for 72 hours.

Now your RH should be at about 62%. If not, just leave the boveda packs in a bit longer until you achieve 62% RH.

At this stage, i remove the Boveda packs and store them away. Some people say they can remove taste from the buds over long periods of time so why take the risk? Leave the hygrometers in the jars to monitor the RH.

After 6 weeks you should have fully cured, awesome buds.
thanks moodyShoes i think some people on here forget they were i am now read lots of curing meths but your advise seems more straight forward thank pal


Well-Known Member
I do have to say though that a lot of people jump on here looking for quick and fast answers to their problems instead of taking a little time to do a little research and maybe find the answer that is suited right for them. I am constantly reading articles and threads to questions I have and usually I can find an answer pretty easily after a little looking. Lots of information out there to be had if someones looking for it. I do know that on a lot of these forums new growers questions get smothered by arguments or people's opinions on how they do things. Pretty sure then new growers get even more confused. There are a lot of useful tips on here but sometimes its better to just go do a bit of research.
your making out i just jumped on site and asked how to cure .thats no the case read lots of cure and humity tem for curing am not a retard seems you are the exception and never been a newbie to growing am thinking your ego is far to big for ur heed been reading a lots for a yr ,there is that many cure practises ,as for ur ego u friend says why bother adding anymore info ,well if you dont like new growers jog on pal ,thats right trial n error ,why should i stick to trail n error if i can get it right as am looking curing up first 2 grows took down to early listening to bs on er never though a fellow Scot would be the 1 bring new growers doon nahhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
I'm actually designing jars to bulp themselves and give your moisture readings which will be sent to your phone via a app.

I'm also creating hardware that will allow you to grow via your phone which will be sold with a webcam to track it. People here going hate me but even in the process of creating sensors to pick up nute levels within your medium crazy shit hey.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually designing jars to bulp themselves and give your moisture readings which will be sent to your phone via a app.

I'm also creating hardware that will allow you to grow via your phone which will be sold with a webcam to track it. People here going hate me but even in the process of creating sensors to pick up nute levels within your medium crazy shit hey.
sounds a great idea ,forget the haters m8 peace


Well-Known Member
Of course it is. Better using trial and error huh?

View attachment 3663871

It's no wonder newbies get confused on these forums with ridiculous advice like that.

Take it or leave it, but this method works. Regardless of what some people may think, growing and curing cannabis is not difficult, you just need to follow simple processes to the letter.

Good luck OP and if you need any further information let me know. :)
cheers moody ,yer a good man :)

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Curing..the simple yet allusive must do.

I agree with those that said it up to the individual grower and their environment. I'm an outside grower so my environment changers..allot..quickly.

My methodish.

Dry in a dark place with some but little airflow (not directed at the buds) for 3 to 10 days depending on the weather and humidity (just guess it a bit). When the outside of the buds feel dry and the stems just bend nicely and "O' so close to snapping- but doesn't = time to cure. Its best to be a little early for a great cure than late IMO.

Grab a few glass air tight jars or a (home brewers air tight wort holder for a few ozzies).
1/2 to 3/4 fill em, loosely (how i like my women by the way..). Place lid on.

leave lid on for 1/2 day..and off for 1/2 a day repeat this for a few days or a week..whatever.. (u dont need to set alarms and stuff...just roughly)

After a few days or a weekish go 1 day on and one day off for few days or a weekish. Feel it before and after..every time. When it starts to go back into the jar and the outside of the bud is a little dry...time for,

Lid on for 2 days and off for 1/2 a day. for a week or two. When the bud is dry outside when taking the lid off then go,

Lid on for a week and off for one day for a couple of weeks.

And then just leave the lid on or whatever you FEEL is best.

Give it 2- 3 months all up and ur good to go. Dank bud.

Curing is not hard as long as you dont try to dry it to fast. Curing is the art, not science, of drying slowly. If your getting mold then ur lazier than me and/or live in the tropics.

Must do's;
Feel it every time your taking lid off or putting lid on. Smell it every time. Become the herb.
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Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
DON'T BE LAZY WHEN CURING (like I was). On my second cure I left the lid on for too long, because I was too much of a couch potato to do anything and the bud became extremely soggy, like sweaty sock soggy. I then took it out of the jar and left it to dry, and bam! it became rock hard and I had to hack away a few places that I believed had become moldy.

It was such a waste of my time, growing for four months and then fucking up everything in one day.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Tis how most folks learn 8)

Your posted method has to many etched in stone statements that may not apply at all ?

Like put em in the tent and turn everything off ? or even chop after dark period is over, I always chop during lights on because I know for a fact that all the light degrades stuff is nonsense, yes I've tested it, but that's irrelevant. but yes, nonsense none the less.

Then there is remove all the fans, there are instances where leaving them on is very beneficial. Removing them is mostly touted by lazy folks that don't like trimmin em once dry

The whole don't check em for 72 hours is a huge bit of nonsense

drying till the stems snap has always been wrong and if kept in 60+ rh they most likely never would lol

The 62% bovida's is a tad high 57 would be better but they don't make those

And please let's not forget that the temps and humidity of different geographical areas is different ???

Like I said what works for one will not work for every one

Have a nice day
Your right about things being different and finding what's best but it's the newb section and everyone has to start somewhere right? So why not start using the standard, how most do it method then start tweeking things? Yes a few things that are being touted here are nothing more than bro science but for the most part the methods mentioned are standardized. Again it's the newb section and the point IMO would be keep it simple but also inform the op that experience and trial and error are also part of the equation. You may also direct them to one of the more detailed threads (yours) and let them know this is what works for you :). And I take offence to you calling me lazy lol. You try trimming a few pounds dried by yourself, it ain't fun, takes me about 10 fucking days to trim the stuck together mess lol.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
DON'T BE LAZY WHEN CURING (like I was). On my second cure I left the lid on for too long, because I was too much of a couch potato to do anything and the bud became extremely soggy, like sweaty sock soggy. I then took it out of the jar and left it to dry, and bam! it became rock hard and I had to hack away a few places that I believed had become moldy.

It was such a waste of my time, growing for four months and then fucking up everything in one day.
I also think lots jar it up too early in the drying process and basically ruin a good product, guilty of that myself :(. I find that if I put off the jarring for a bit the taste and finished product is much better. Also not waiting for the plant to finish properly leads to an inferior product re taste. It's a fine line for me because I kind of prefer an earlier finish.