Help....damm mite invader's!!!!!!fark!!!!!


allo all :-) was wondring if anyone Has any User-friendly spider-mite remidy's????
...or have any of u used garlic/rubarb/corrianda,herb...or anyother hippy spray's????
THAT WORK!!and if so!! at wat concntrate????? plz Help...
p.s wouldn't b so concrnd BUTT!!!
am heavily into bloom three/four wk's to go........ :joint:


Active Member
you could go the hippie/ diy route and have the same problem next grow, or you could shell out the cash, its worth it. search spider mites and read till your eyes bleed. thats also worth the info youll get


yeah dosnt really mater wat u use ay ,they just keep comin bak !!!!!dooh......
have done horticulture cert's/qualification's am aware that there are certain strains
of red-spot and two spoted mite's that are imuned two any known herbicide/pesticide!!
dont want to nuke them with any-thing to harsh 2or so weeks b4 pulling..........
hopfully someone outthere has a homemade/diy recipe 4me
@least just too slow the little bastard's down :leaf:

p.s i rekon the best way(oviously i didnt do it this time)
hose em off when u'r cutting's r still small for 5/6 day's in a row (in dark)
Then on day 6 or 7 nuke wif sumfin.somkinda nasty shit!!with an active ingredient
i.e azadirachtin then repeat in 7or 8 day's time.....