Help diagnose deficiency


Well-Known Member
Two week since I transplanted east coast sour diesel. There in dwc fed with recipe for success by technaflora. Ppm is at half strength. There's 4 air stones in 12 gallon res. currently under 400 watts mh for veg then to two 1000 watts hps for flowering. well ventilated room. Temp of room is mid 80s and res is mid 60s . Don't know what my humidity is I'm going to get something this weekend that tells temp and humidity but I do have a small humidifier in there. And this is my first dwc....
i started noticing dark spots that turned into yellow spots on my Lower leaves. Only about half of my plants are affected.And they also curl up. Not sure if it's a calmag deficiency. It doesn't look like nute burn to but that's my opinion. I'm also noticing purple branches on the effects leaves. I added magical and raised my ppm to full strength hoping they just needed more food. and after a few days it still spread so I flushed my res for half a day then added new solution at half stregth. Yesterday and it still looks to be spreading up the plant. I need help I don't want to loose the plants. Contemplating on transplanting the unaffected plants to soil. Hoping someone with experience can help in any way


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Pic 1 is a two tone plant.....But , , , yeah I see the spotting....
Add a Cal/Mag to your res at the said strength by the maker.
Be SURE your keeping your pH between 5.8 - 6.2. I (when I bother to run DWC. I liked my pH a tic high at 6.0 and ran that all the way).


Well-Known Member
1st plant looks like a calcium def. cal will fix that.. second pic looks like its N. def. up the level of nitrogen slowly until plant recovers to a more healthy green.. ur roots look healthy atleast and that's a big plus


Well-Known Member
also when you transplant from hydro to soil the plants go threw a period of adjusting were they look like shit droopy and what not... if you don't damage the roots during transplant they should be ok.


Well-Known Member
Ppm now is 500. Because I changed res yesterday. Ph is 5.8 I had my ppm at full strength before my tea change. Should I raise it or keep it low?? And doc who you do to see the spots??? Or is that what you mean?


Well-Known Member
Check the ppm on your SOURCE water. That will tell you your water hardness. If low you will need to add cal/mag back. The possible cal/mag deficiency is seen in photo 2, center of the pic. Purple stems can be genetics or potassium deficiency. I'm guessing yours is genetics if only one strain has it and others do not.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ppm now is 500. Because I changed res yesterday. Ph is 5.8 I had my ppm at full strength before my tea change. Should I raise it or keep it low?? And doc who you do to see the spots??? Or is that what you mean?
The spotting (brown) on the lower leaves in pic 1. I see that spotting, yes. Cal/Mag at 5ml per gallon in the res.....stir it up and re-pH just to be sure after the add.


Well-Known Member
We'll I already did the magical. But not at strong as your saying. But I'll take your word for it and let you guys know how I made out ... And all six are the same stand and only half of them are affected . ThAnks for all the help I'm gonna need it


Well-Known Member
The ppm of my source water is less than 100. But my solution calls for hAlf a tsp per gallon. And that's what I did. But I guess I should double that