Help diagnosing my ailing plant???


Active Member
I'm inexperienced in growing, and struggling to diagnose my poor sick plant :(

It started out with the yellowing lower leaves about 2 weeks ago, and has just developed the red on the leaves in the last couple of days.

I assumed nitro deficiency (even though it's well into flowering), but added nitrogen doesn't seem to be helping and doesn't really explain the redness.

She's a Hawaiian Snow, 6 weeks into flowering - a slow flowerer though compared to my other plant, I'm expecting a 12 week flowering cycle.
Any feedback much appreciated!


Po boy

Well-Known Member
what kind of nutes u using? looks like a nitrogen and possible phosphorus deficiency. any well balance liquid fertilizer should do the trick. GL


Active Member
what kind of nutes u using? looks like a nitrogen and possible phosphorus deficiency. any well balance liquid fertilizer should do the trick. GL
Cheers for the feedback guys! I have been giving her 5mLs of each of these, about twice a week. I figured that I didn't wanna overdo it and this would be enough, but apparently not!

This is my second grow, I didn't have this problem the first time round. I think the difference is that I got crappy soil this time without slow release nutes. Also had a few weeds in it at the start, pretty hori

