HELP!! Did i just fuck up 7 plants


Well-Known Member
I used soil from a compost pile my girls grandma has had for years and then put that after they sprouted Into potting soil.. i think it needs them because the stems r purple and they r really lite green


Well-Known Member
She wants food. Not much though. And your soil ph might be off. I'm guessing your soil has no nutritional value


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert and on my first grow..but why didn't u spend the couple bucks and get some good soil..I didn't feed mine nutes.til they were 3x that size..I'd go get some..make it worth it


Well-Known Member
To much wood in that soil. Also looks over watered. And no nutes right now. Do you have holes in the bottom of that container?

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
This is an afghani free seed, 7 days old (4 days ago dont have new picture) just germed in paper towel and put in fox farm ocean forest, you might want to get happy frog or light warrior add some perlite for seedlings though and transplant when bigger into ocean forest..i added no nutes only lightly house and garden root accelerator its good stuff.

house and garden soil A + B
root accelerator
drip clean
top booster


Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
A few that ive heard good stuff about and that i have (didnt use yet)

get a milwaukee 600aq ph meter theyre solid for first timers as myself for 20$

Im wbout to put hydroton (clay balls) on top of my soil I hear that helps the roots access the top 25% of the soil..look up and learn how to transplant correctly before the day of.


Well-Known Member
Update i made some.changes transplanted into actual soil not from outside.... added six more lights ttotaling 223w cut 4 down and kept best 3 they will be a.month old on the 18th

